Thursday 26 June 2014

The Fault In Our Stars (Film)

Hey, so as you may or may not know (depending on if you read my blog post yesterday) I went to go see The Fault In Our Stars film with some friends yesterday. And Today, since I did not do a lot I shall give a review on the film.

WARNING: This post contains spoilers.

I was one of the lucky few who had walked into the cinema knowing what I was about to watch because I had read the book before hand. Therefore I knew there was a chance I could cry, which I didn't so proud of myself. I enjoyed the book, but the film not so much. I think if I was first being introduced to it I would have been much more interested, but because it was literally the book, it was like I know all this. I mean I guess it was kind of nice to have an actual visual of it instead of using my imagination. 

One of my favourite parts of the film actually had nothing to do with the story. Those who went with me may have guessed, yes it was the Swedish HipHop. Once that started playing, Maddy, Siobhan, Amy and I just started dancing, we were having a great time. Then they stopped it and Amy genuinely went "Ah" and I burst out laughing. However I was upset they took out one of my favourite parts of the book which is when Hazel goes to Isaacs house when he  is blind and they play a videogame and talk through it. I just like the way it went. But they did not include it and i was sad. 

I will admit the eulogy made me sad, but at this point Maddy was crying so I think I went into mother mode where you stay strong to help others be stronger. Or some shit like that. Even then I wouldn't flood cry over it. I also got a little sad when Gus had his little car freak out.  

Overall I would probably see the film again, but I would much rather read the book, because I think the imagination just made it more beautiful and emotional and powerful, and there was a few more literary elements which just brought it all together and was more enjoyable. So I suggest if you want to see the film, read the book first. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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