Sunday 15 June 2014

Spiders are Nope!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, there was a bit of an incident. I was all ready, about to write my post when I noticed a massive fucking spider in my room, and the next thing I knew it disappeared so I just got the fuck out of there and went and slept on the sofa. So I could not post for I left my laptop in the dreaded room of death.

Today I am braving the room but I have not seen the spider yet (knock on wood) So I am just going to imagine it left my room last night/ during today. Sometimes I am not scared of spiders, there are a certain kind I can deal with, like small tiny ones, or those really stick thing ones, that just tend to hang upside down in a corner of the room. However I was taking a shower the other day and one was crawling towards me and I was like NOPE! Can't handle that shit. 

Then there was the one in my room, which was big and thick and so terrifying I cried when I saw it move in the slightest way. When it disappeared I practically ran out of the room, like NOPE! When I re-entered earlier I was inspecting certain areas before I felt comfortable to set up camp.

So yeah sorry I didn't post, but it was really just going to be a post about my day at school, where Jessie and I watched this awesome film in media, then during lunch we really freaked out Amy with this video I saw on Youtubers React. And finally I had psychology where I missed Claire and we started to watch this documentary about a chimp who they raised like a human. After school was a surprise trip to the city with Hal  where we got my dad a father's day present, and Hal bought me a shake :P

See that wasn't very interesting. You'll forgive me for it I'm sure. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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