Saturday 3 May 2014

Night in the Teepee

Hello once again for another fantastical blog post. Wait what's going on you are writing this in the middle of the day? Are you feeling well? Yes imaginary person I invented just to ask me pointless questions so I can answer them and fill up space cause I secretly having nothing to post about, I am feeling fine. But I will not be able to blog later for I shall be at a sleepover. That means you get a wonderful post about my weekend events tomorrow! YAY!

So, what am I going to blog about now? Cause I have to since I promised to write a daily blog and I have already failed you once before and I have never forgiven myself for it even though none of you probably even care. BUT I CARE! Anywho...I need to write something now so lets see...I guess I could blog about... yeah I got nothing. Hmm. I'm in a bit of a pickle. 

Ok I got something. It may not be that interesting but you are going to read it and like it. Basically my thought process was I'm really looking forward to this sleepover, mainly because last year when I went it was awesome, So I thought, why not tell you all about the last one!

Well it was about the same time last year and my friend Paige had a sleepover for her birthday. We all slept in a Teepee for the night in her garden and it was awesome. We played with balloons and had this strange game with dares and stuff. We watched some films and we cuddled with some bunnies and guinea pigs. Oh they were so cute. Then we went back into the teepee tent and chatted and ate and then after it got dark we forgot to put one of Paige's rabbits back in it's cage. OOPS! So we all went out with phone flashlights and tried to hunt down the creature. It ran under a shed and from there it was mission impossible. Some of us were going round the back and getting sticks to try and poke her to run to someone at either end, but this wasn't working and some people just gave up and went back into the tent, but not me. I stayed and ended up scratching my arm because of the shed :/ But guys it was all ok. Because we found this large stick which Paige tried to use to poke the rabbit my way but she pushed it too far under the shed and couldn't get it back. But luckily I could reach the stick but after trying to pull it out and move it to where the rabbit had moved to I managed to snap it in half. But I had a master plan. I put one half of the stick under the shed and pushed it towards the rabbit as far as I could, then using the other half I pushed the stick even further and it gave her a little nudge and she ran to Paige and all was good!

Then after all that excitement we went back into the tent and some people decided to settle down and sleep. I stayed up and Jessie and I realised Pac-man was a Pac-Schlut and then Giancarlo snuggled up to her as he slept so we took some photographic evidence. Then she fell asleep and it was just Paige and I chitchatting and throwing stuff and Lish and Claire while they slept. In the morning we all realised that Amy and Kez had hoarded a bunch of sweets from the previous night, and then we played some twister and that's all i can really remember.

So yeah. A post today earlier than usual. Hope you enjoyed the wonderful story of last year. Not many people are going this time round but I hope it can be as fun! Yeah so I best got get ready, See you in the 'morrow!

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