Monday 12 May 2014

Freak Out Mode Activated!

This was it, my last day before the start of my exams. AKKK! Freak out mode activated! Well honestly I haven't freaked out so much, even though I have two exams tomorrow, but one of them is film studies and that isn't completely worrying. But then there's psychology. For about 5 hours today I have been revising for this exam, and that added to the hours I have put in before, if I don't get a good grade I will hate myself. 

But the exams aren't scaring me that much, I guess. I say that now tomorrow I will probably complain a lot about how much I failed. Ugh. And if by some miracle I do not fail I have to do this all again next year. What Joy!

For those who too have an exam tomorrow, I wish you luck and hope you all do brilliantly, and for those who have already had exams I'm sure you did great in them too. I'm going to believe I shall do well going into the exam, maybe that confidence can help me succeed. We'll see. Luckily I only have two exams tomorrow then a whole week until my next one, so I have time to focus on those after it. 

Ok let's just distract from that with a quick look at my day:
I got to school and was given an easter egg by Lish.
I had a single private study where I revised for psychology.
I had a single Media Studies, where Jessie and I laughed about some stuff and we prepared for our exam tomorrow.
I then had break where I can't remember anything that happened.
Then it was more private study with Aims and we trapped Lish in her seat when Claire tried to get her to go to the common room. (I did yet more revision for psychology)
Another hour of studying.
Then I had lunch where I ate the easter egg, snuggled with Jessie, had random chit chat and other stoof.
After this was double biology where like half our class where in an exam so there was 5 of us. We did some revision with Miss, but mainly we spoke to her about random things. it was pretty good. And it made me realise how much I knew about her topics for the first exam.

Anywho that is all, and I should sleep, cause you apparently do better if you get lots of sleep. Apparently. See you in the 'morrow! Hopefully I did not die from failure. 

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