Monday 26 May 2014

Lazy Revision

Why Hi, just thought I'd start with a little rhyme to keep you all interested. Basically this is going to be my distraction away from revision so it may not make that much sense as I will just pick up on random topics just to keep me writing, well typing. So I still have one exam left. Biology Unit 2 which is worth like 50% of my final grade so I am a little panicked about it because I look at how big the section is in my biology book and I don't think I will be able to remember it all. AAK!

On the brightside however, it is half term, so it means I get to spend the majority of the week purely revising for this one exam, hopefully meaning I can then gain a good grade from it. :) Smiles all round. The exam is also in the afternoon so I can cram in some revision on the day as well. However, right now I am not motivated to revise. I have done some. But it is incredibly lazy and I am not actually sure I am taking anything in. I think it's cause I stayed up late last night and woke up late so I'm still really tired. Maybe if I go back to a kind of school schedule I will feel more active and then can actually do something productive. Hmm maybe, but I'm still going to try and revise now even if I'm not motivated, because I guess it is better than nothing. 

And I know what you are thinking. you are wasting your half term revising, when you could be seeing friends or chillaxing. Well after my exams I will have 10 days of no school, so that will essentially be my chillax time. Even though I have kind of been chillaxing today. Why do I keep using the term chillax? AAKK! Revision is really getting to me.

See you in the 'morrow!

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