Tuesday 20 May 2014

Some Panicky Times

Despite the trauma of my psychology exam, today wasn't actually that bad. I had a lie in, and some panicky times, then I got to 6th form and spoke with peoples about stuff. Can never remember what I talk about at break time. 

But as we were walking to lessons something memorable happened. For some reason I don't know why because I missed that part of the conversation Jessie walked Amy to her lesson and she was wearing these glasses that made her look like a bodyguard. So I pretended to be a crazy fan and hugged Amy and then my bag broke. So it was delightful.

Then I got out of biology to revise for the exam we can never speak of again, and went to private study with Emily, Claire, and Lish Most of the time we did a lot of revision. But I panicked a lot that I was going to fail, and then there were moments of distractions. Such as being touched by Claire, talking about the immune system. And just general chit chat. 

After this was Lunch which was interesting. Random conversations, Maddy analysing  Connor's abnormal behaviour, then trying to figure out things about other people using pupil dilations. I went to go see Maddy. I hugged her from behind and she moved my head to try and pretend to kiss me on the cheek but she moved my head to much and then she actually kissed me on the lips and we just burst out laughing 
Then it was ugh. But after this some of us sat on the grass making daisy chains. Anywho I then went home with Claire (not that she is still in my house) and we took some weird selfies. I say we, I was the weird one. But that wasn't really a surprise was it?

See you in the 'morrow!

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