Wednesday 7 May 2014

Dirty Minded

'Ello! Does anyone remember the toy Ello? I do. I used to love that stuff, it was great I'd build houses for my polly pockets cause I was just that cool. Anywho, it's a new day so obviously we need a new blog post. I can't remember much about my day, and I don't think a lot of stuff is completely blog worthy. But there was a moment in Media when the class just burst into laughter and that is when sir tried to be funny saying that he was going to use his "special stick" referring to the USB stick but we all interpreted this wrong and SIr just died of embarrassment.

It's times like this that has made me really how much I have changed. I used to be all innocent and oblivious to some things in the world, but now I am dirty minded and life is just different. It's weird when you know more about the world of sex when you rewatch children's tv you notice they make references (to keep the adults, who watch the show with their kids, entertained) and you are just like, whoa I never understood this when I was younger. 

As well as this, since I started 6th form I realised how much my mind has just been switched to the dirty side of things. Like most of the time I turn something into a sexual reference, and I notice that everyone kind of does it. It is really fun sometimes I shall admit, cause it's just a good laugh and you get to use a lot of winky faces and winky faces just make the world a better place ;) 

I swear when you're older everything just revolves around sex, and it's pretty weird, cause sometimes it feels like only yesterday we were little children who didn't understand what the fuck was going on half the time, and now we are talking about screwing people and turning innocent phrases into something completely inappropriate. It's really strange when you think about it. Well for me it is anyway. Does anyone else feel this way?

Ok I'm going to end this here cause I need my sleep. See you in the 'morrow!

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