Monday 5 May 2014

Onesie Hell Of A Weekend

Why Hello There! So today I am going to talk about my wonderful weekend and what went down and shizzle. Basically as you may or may not know, yesterday I went to a sleepover to celebrate my friend Paige's 17th Birthday. And it was awesome. 

So I got a lift in with my mum and met Momo and Jass on the way so I walked the last leg of it with them. We got to her house and stood there questioning which one was going to knock when Paige walked out. She was a little scared to see us standing there. This might of had something to do with us being the first ones there. Shortly Kez and Claire turned up then we had to wait for Lish before we really did anything. When Lish got there we mainly chatted about random stuff. Then played many games of Uno where some friendships were most definitely broken. 

After this there was a lot of sitting and lying on each other and just general conversations. This was then followed by food, Pizza, Garlic Bread and Wedges. Yum! So more fun in the teepee after this and we wore some onesies and looked FABULAS! I was a penguin and not to be vain or anything but I think I looked supercute. However my feet were annoying me because it made me walk funny.  Then we bashed a pinata and it was hilarious. They are the greatest creation ever. After this Kezia left us :(

But then it got super cold so when we got back inside and just all snuggled together because it was so cold. During this snuggle we seemed to have a lot of conversations about sex and sex related topics. Then slowly we went to sleep. I was incredibly cold and incredibly uncomfortable. Lish stole my duvet so I stole Claire's cover and then we woke up around 4 to sort out this kerfuffle. Then I was awoken by everyone around 8 in the morning. WHAT IS THIS? 8AM! ON THE WEEKEND?! Ugh. but I awoke and got dressed. Then Jessie and Momo left. So it was just Claire, Lish, Paige, and I eating breakfast whilst playing pass the parcel.

After this I went to my nanny's and spent some time there. I found these toy cars in her shed which I used to play with as a child :') the memories, the feels. It was too much. And we spoke about some random things and then I can home and had some random facebook conversations, and made my tongue bleed by accidentally biting it :/

Anywho that was my weekend. It was great to spend it with my friends.See you in the 'morrow!

1 comment:

  1. I got the message at the end of the video very creepy
    Haha Paige x
