Monday 19 May 2014

Now Panic and Freak Out

A poster on my wall says that. And in this situation it is completely true. I AM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Yesterday I was all I don't care about results, but that was yesterday, today I seem to be all: Yup I'm going to fail and cry and my life will just mean nothing because I cannot get a good grade. 

UGGGGGHHHHH. Someone help me, take my mind away from the pressure of my Unit 2 psychology exam. I'm going to fail it so bad that my hard work for Unit 1 will just be wasted and that isn't good. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.

I'm stressing out so much that my stomach hurts, probably immune suppression caused by stress. See Elli you remembered that, maybe you won't fail. Knowing that information alone is not going to get me a pass is it?!

Guys wish me luck. I'm going to need a miracle. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Unless I die of failure. 

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