Thursday 29 May 2014


I GOT A JOB INTERVIEW!!!! Yay! It was a year today I had my first interview for a job (at Primark) and they rejected me but never told me why. I wish I knew why so that way I could try and work on it. But since that (which was my first ever interview) I have never had an interview again despite the hundreds of job applications.

Not only this but my interview is at a company which I have now applied to like 7 times, so SUCCESS! Finally they have considered me! Maybe they are insanely desperate. Either way. I was very excited to get the interview, I practically screamed when I hung up on the phone, then Hal told me that I didn't properly hang up. Let's pray they didn't hear me. Unless they enjoyed my enthusiasm. 

Anywho my interview is tomorrow so today I have been preparing for it by thinking of questions to ask, doing some company research and preparing answers for possible questions they might I ask. I have also been finding a suitable outfit to wear to make me look professional. But I have been doing all this instead of revising, so have I made a good decision? Hmm maybe, I still have 4 more days to revise and less than 24 hours before my interview, and I think a job is a little more important to me right now so I think I am using my time wisely. 

I'm not going to get too excited about this though, because it is just an interview, and there is still a high chance I will not get the job. Therefore I have to be realistic. However I guess slight optimism can do no harm. I'm employable right? Well you wont answer because for all I know you don't even exist. But I feel you should all wish me luck for my interview tomorrow. I shall let you know how I think it went. Then later how I actually did.

See you in the 'morrow!

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