Sunday 25 May 2014

Bathtub Resolutions!

Hi Everybody! (Hi Doctor Nick!) I used to love The Simpsons I'd watch it all the time with the family. Anywho... I've taken another short break, and I feel kind of bad, but I have been busy and stressed and you just don't want to be dealing with me when I am like that. But I'm back now, well for today at least.

So recently I've had exams that have gone ok and I have restarted the stress of job searching. Mainly because I have gotten to the point where I would like money to buy things, and do more socialising activities. But my main reason is I want to start thinking about my future. 

At around 17 most people start to think about leaving home, and despite the fact I love living here because I have the loving dependence of my mother and father I would quite like to move out and have a place of my own. I say of my own there is no way I'd actually live on my own, the pressure of that scares me. I mean what if you live alone and something happens, there is no-one in the next room to save you or go down with you. Plus living with friends and/or others sounds pretty fun. but to do all this I need money. Which I'll need to save. Hence why I need a job. So far I have applied to like 6 so hopefully I can get at least 1 interview.

But this got me thinking. And where did I do this thinking? In the tub. It's where I tend to do all my important life decisions. Sometimes I just sit in there when I am not taking a bath, to think. And other times I can't because my cat sleeps in there and I don't wish to disturb him. Back to my original thought. Whilst in the tub I got thinking about my future and thought. Yeah I'd like a stable job but in 10 years time do I really want to be working in Mcdonalds? Do I really want that to be my career choice? So I remembered my thoughts of long ago before I started A-Levels, back in the day I was all set out to become apart of some sort of social care. 

However, a lot of forms of social care involve degrees and graduate certificates gained from attending Uni, which really is not part of my plan as I feel I will get too stressed out from the pressure of doing well then, let alone the pressure I will have now of getting the grades to get into Uni. So after some research I found some career choices where you do not need Uni qualifications, but you just need to start out volunteering and then they can train you further. I HAVE FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE! YAAAAY!

So once I finish my A-levels, I am going to spend a year working in some form or retail or waitressing to earn some money and just be better prepared financially, and maybe just have a bit of fun with my life, like partying and shizzle. Then I am going to look into volunteering and training to become a health care assistant. And then do that for however long I want to do that, or however long I'm allowed to, depending on other factors.

Therefore I bestow this information onto you: if you are ever feeling lost about a certain path to chose, just spend some time in the tub thinking it over, and something will come to mind. :)

See you in the 'morrow!

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