Tuesday 6 May 2014

The Dawning

Why has nobody been posting? I have nothing to read! I guess if they are busy though it's not really their fault. I just enjoy reading whatever they post about, it kills time. And I can steal ideas for when I have nothing to blog about. But today I shall blog about school, so it doesn't really bother me in that sense.

So Sixy Form. Today I had the morning off which is usually heaven, cause I get to sleep. And sleep is very important to me. But today I awoke from my slumber early to finish some Biology work, which she didn't even check so I woke up for nothing! I got to school earlier to try and finish this work as well, but once it was done I spoke to Jessie in the Study centre about awesome racing car double beds and media exams. Mainly because it dawned on me that my first two exams will be over this time next week. Yeah I should be revising and not blogging. 

But blog I must do so I shall try and make this quick. I had break after this and sat in the common room and spoke to people about dreams and questioned Lish about potatoes. Look at that I finally remembered what happened at break time! After this was double Biology where our teacher started talking to us about exams and ugh but it seemed like a good lesson from what I remember. 

Then it was lunch and we sat around talking to Lish about Spuds and then I texted him, but she ruined my plan! DAMMIT LISH! Next we had psychology but I really could not be bothered to go to psychology, however we only really had an hour with a teacher and we spent the next hour in the common room, and most of the time was spent making sexual references. Claire and I also ate some calipos. 

After all this Claire, Aims, Emily and I went on the late bus, and Claire and I spent most of our time talking to Tom about his pointless "fight" and then I accidently revealed a secret because I am an incredibly bad liar. Like seriously if someone asks me a direct question if I try to lie I can easily give it away just by tone of voice or facial expression. DAMN THIS CURSE. 

And that was pretty much my day. So umm yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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