Sunday 18 May 2014

Not 100% Woop!

Hey, long time no blog post. I know that's weird from me, but I've either been busy, had nothing to post about, or have been too pissed off at the world to write about it. I'm still not 100% Woop! But I thought I should update you on events and life and shizzle.

So basically I am a little bit stressed about exams because I have 3 this week 2 of which I am not looking forward to. But I'll get by cause I'm not all that bothered by results. Mainly cause I don't want to go to Uni. However the school are all like, ugh it's such a crucial time for you yaddayaddayadda. But not to me. There is much more stuff in the world of madness that is my life that I care about a lot more. Quite frankly school is just unneeded stress, that triggers the other stress to return. 

This happened on Friday, I got ever so slightly stressed about exams then I started thinking about other things and ended up having a breakdown, which was made worse by people who do not need to get involved getting involved so I skipped the rest of school cause I just couldn't be there and then I got a text saying I need to go see a teacher cause I shouldn't miss such a crucial time and I was like FUCK YOU ALL.

I'd like to thank Claire a lot for Friday, cause she didn't ask too many questions she just listened and was there. I appreciate everyone else asking if I was ok and trying to be there to, even if I didn't seem like it at the time. 

Anywho that is the update over, I might blog soon, you don't know.  OH  THE SUSPENSE! Will I? Won't I? We don't know? See you in the 'morrow! or will I?

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