Wednesday 14 May 2014

I Gots The Ills

Hey guys, I got the ills and I need lots of sleep to recover so this is just going to be a quick little thing. 

I hate being ills cause all through today I have been sniffly and ugh, my head has been on fire, I've been extremely tired and I've needed to sneeze a lot but couldn't, one even turned into a yawn.

I didn't have an exam today YAY. But this meant a lot of revision. It was kind of fun sitting there with my friends, talking about Claire dying her hair blonde to get le sex, reading Lish's book over her shoulder and spoiling it for her.

Ok I have nothing else to say so this is going to be an extremely small blog. Oh wait. By the way reached 4,000 pageviews yesterday very happy with that. Thanks for those who read my posts. I appreciate it. Cause then it makes me feel like I am not just talking to myself, even though this is essentially what I am doing. But Thank you!

See you in the 'morrow!

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