Wednesday 28 May 2014

Half of my Half Term

Hey there! Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, things got a bit ugh but yeah I am back! So in this post I shall talk about my Half Term so far, and probably about what I'm going to do.

So mainly I have been revising for my upcoming biology exam, it's going ok, I'm not quite confident enough yet but I have a few more days and a few different techniques to try out so hopefully I can do enough to get a respectable grade. I think my other exam went good though, and I got an A in the course work, so I need to not completely fail this 50% to make all that not go to waste.

Ok now onto non revision side. Mainly I have been watching Tv and Youtube, and I finally finished my book I've been wanting to finish since I started reading it 3 months ago, but never had the time because of school. On Sunday I went to the city with the parents and I wandered around with Hal for a bit before she went to work, then I went in Primark with mum and got a new top and vest and tights and shiz. Then went we went to get served I realised there was a chance I could get served by Jamie, and I was buying underwear. This would have been awkward. But it's ok guys I didn't get served by him YAY!

On Monday I mainly revised.

Moving onto Tuesday (yesterday for those of you not smart enough to figure it out) I went last minute bowling with Hal and her friend Hannah. On the way there Hal hit her head on the side of the bus then demonstrated how she hit it by whacking her head again, which made me laugh. Once we got there we found Hannah and realised we couldn't play a game until like 5 (it was 3 at this point) so Hal treated us to a pub meal. Then we bowled somehow I didn't come last because that went to Hannah. I came second .Then by some miracle Hal (who had not been bowling for like 3 years) won! Then we went home. 

Today I did more revision and relaxed a bit and blogged obviously. Tomorrow I am planning on going for a pub meal with the gramps and then do more revision, Friday is also going to be primarily revision, and the weekend is going to be mainly revision 
So that is Half of my Half Term (and pretty much the rest) See you in the 'morrow!

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