Thursday 8 May 2014

Exam Warning

I'm scared. I haven't had an exam freak out yet. Some people might see this as a good thing, but not me. I want to have a freak out sooner rather than later. I'd rather have it now than on the day of the exam because that would really freak me out. Maybe someone should just scare me before my first exam so I can get it out of my system.

As my exams are pretty soon I am either going to have to take a break from blogging or write shorter posts. I know. I know. The tragedy. But I needs to focus on revision if I want to do well, and I kind of what to do well if not my self concept goes down and then I'm all miserable for a couple of weeks. And we don't want that now do we? Unless you all have some secret plot against me...How could you? I thought we were friends...

Anywho...I just thought I should update you so you aren't all like. WHERE ARE THE POSTS??? If I don't post just assume I am revising for my exams. Or I'm just sleeping because I have spent too much time revising and need to escape to the land of dreams. 

I feel really bad leaving you all, but it might not happen, and if it does it might just be the odd day, cause you never know I may need to blog to relieve stress or something. I don't know. We'll just have to see. I just wanted to warn you so you know what will happen if it happens.

Ok I'm off now, me needs sleep! So remember, either shorter posts or no post for the next monthish. See you in the 'morrow!

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