Tuesday 16 December 2014

Too Many Different Things To Make A Good Title

Wednesday 10th: Walked to school and then revised for my biology test. Starting to sound like last week. Then I went for my biology test, and it was...ok... Then we started genetics which is pretty easy. Considering what we did in the lesson, we did last year. And as a fun little bonus it is what I need to know for my exam retake. Then it was break which is never remembered, then it was private study and "conference" where I did some biology work, and then we sat in the common room talking about random things.  Then it was lunch which I do not remember at all. Then I had Media and we did some coursework, as per usual. Then the bus home. And then the dentist, which wasn't so bad. 

Thursday 11th: Went to school for psychology where we watched a video about aggressive whales which was rather adorable and fascinating. Then I had private study where I did things and then it was lunch where I took pictures of people and we had a paper plane battle, and I taught people how to make origami butterflies.Then I went to private study with Amy and Kez while I waited for a bus, and there was a little dance for Kez getting offers for uni's and Amy and I discussing unis and jobs and things. Then I went home. 

Friday 12th: First I got in school on Christmas jumper day and was kind of pissed off that I was the only one wearing a Christmas jumper, but then people in jumpers turned up and I felt better. So I went to private study with Kez and Siobhan and I did some media coursework which was due in on this day, and then when I finished I did some psychology homework and was discussing Disney films whilst having a hat made for me from a jumper. Then when I was finished I joined Harvey and Jessie in the common room where we were playing two player flappy bird and this weird my little pony thing.Then we put on some glasses was given some play-doh and we made things and then tried tickling Jessie's ear with it. Then it was biology where we did our presentations and then watched some things about the Galapagos.  

Saturday 13th: Got up early for work, and was like the only one on the bus for like half the journey. Then at work I was on tills and a woman shouted at me and kind of accused me of being racist even though I didn't do anything. I even stayed behind later at work because they were impressed with how well I was doing, and Megan and I won the till challenge twice (basically whoever can get the most money in a certain amount of time) I'm really enjoying work. 

Sunday 14th: I turned up a little late for work today, and found out that the other trainee did not pass probation. Oh well. Today I was working towards getting my first star by completing this workbook in the office, and it was pretty boring, and then I had a break, and finally I did work. Wasn't that much of an interesting day aside from my fun chats with fry guy, like how he would start a fight with me because he had a problem with me taking his fries, and then how I was actually the only one who was nice to him. Then I waited for a bus with Aims at her place of work and we talked about Uni's and secret Santa and things. 

Monday 15th: Went to school late because I was so tired. And it started with media where we were doing yet more coursework, and then it was break which who even cares anymore, and then it was psychology where we watched something about when aggression starts in humans. And then it was lunch where I went home and ate food, took a food nap and sorted out my sister's room for her return home from Derby. Then something kind of bad happened. 

Tuesday 16th: I got a lay in so finished Hal's room, ate a teacake and watched tv. Then the bus was late and I got on it chatting to Emily about secret Santa, which was awkward because my gift was for her. But when we got to school I went to private study and did some biology homework, and then started on this psychology project we have to do. Then it was lunch where secret santa festivities began, and everyone opened their gifts and tried to guess who got who what. It was adorable and fun and everyone seemed happy. I got a giant adventure pencil with rubbers. It was cute. And I got to tell Emily that I had hers. Then it was psychology where we did more of our projects, bitched about teachers, and gossiped a lot. It was rather funny. One of my favourite psychology lessons so far. Then it was the late bus home where we were playing music. And then Hal was here so we had a catch up and I got to play MLP again!!

See you in the 'morrow!

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