Sunday 14 December 2014


Pwong. Sounds more like a sound effect than a game.

I have been working all weekend so am really tired and not wanting to do this post, but I shall write a short little thing

So pwong is essentially a crazier version of the old game Pong which is essentially a computerized version of table tennis. And it is pretty fun, the instructions are written here so I don't have to write them out, yay!, and you can also get different things that can help you out such as Slow Motion, Sticky Paddle, Large Paddle, and Action Shoot? I think that's what the last one is, who knows, which can help you get more points  and shiz. 

So I kind of like this gamebecause it is way more interesting that pong because it just gets super crazy, and there is even a level called insane, which is as the title says.
 But the problem is, when you play insane you can die too quickly, but when you play normally it can take forever for you to die and I feel trapped, and I hate feeling trapped in a game. I also like the pretty colours. But that's all I can say right now, sorry. 

Seyou in th'morrow! 

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