Sunday 21 December 2014

Sims Getting Festive!

Hello, and today we are returning to the wonderful world of Sims 4, and since it has been so long, I had to wait like 50 years for everything to update. (Actually it was like 50 minutes) but hey ho. Let's go! 

So the lovely people over in the sim making land gave us a free pack to get us in the Christmas mood, and since Christmas is getting ever closer we have to talk about it. This is actually my first time exploring so there probably wont actually be much about it today. 

Basically, I loaded up the game and it turns out in the update I didn't actually get the festive things. :/ So I am not quite sure what to do because I thought I would be able to get it and I don't want to look and update as that took me so fucking long already. So yeah. In a bit of a pickle. 

But in all honesty guys I am very tired from work today and just cannot be bothered to do anything, and it is christmassy time so I should just be chillaxing. 

Yeah I just said chillaxing.

Forgive me for that and the fact I am not blogging properly.

See you in the 'morrow!

1 comment:

  1. This is maddy on my sisters iPad x the sims festive pack was a seperate download but you can probably still get it even now for when the festivities roll around again next year. In all honesty it wasn't too great. Just one wreath, one Christmas tree and a few decorations, most of which were hunakkah ones (excuse spelling) so you weren't missing much....
