Friday 19 December 2014

Going On A Blog Vacation!

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. So Christmas is next week and unlike last year I will not be blogging through it. So from Wednesday to Monday I will not be posting. Yay a little blog vacation. Not that anyone cares about my blog anymore, I am getting less views per day which kind of sucks and who is really going to be all sad because I didn't blog around xmas. 

If you are that upset about it just go read all of my past blogs. 

I am thinking that after this break I may rethink my schedule and change a few things round and see if I should drop things, like if a day doesn't get that many views maybe I shouldn't do that post anymore. Also I am thinking about returning to no longer having weekends, because I work on weekends now I just get so tired. But I will figure that out in my week away. 

There isn't that much to say anymore, there is never that much to say anymore. 
So yeah, you will still get the games post on Sunday, Elli's thoughts on Monday, and then my final week review on Tuesday and then there will be no posts for like a week depending on my mood. 

See you in the 'morrow! 

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