Monday 1 December 2014

Dear December

It is a good thing I am writing this post as it has just reminded me I have not opened my advent calender yet. *Runs to get Marvel themed advent calender, opens door number 1 "Oh a snowman face" eats then returns to blogging* 

Dear December, 

Finally you have made you way to us, after a long struggle of a year, however in fairness there are some parts of this year I thought were rather wonderful. Then again other are moments that just make me sad thinking about them. But so many things happen in December, and I think it is unfair on all the other months. Because not only is it Christmas, but it is the last month of the year, and people are getting excited for change and then get really nostalgic about what was left behind. It's weird December. 

But now you have finally come around slowly I will probably get into the Christmas spirit and become more accepting of others Christmas spirit. Because currently I am annoyed by how people have been putting up decorations, or singing the songs and just other christmassy things before the time. I believe when you start the advent Calender you can become spirited.

I guess I am looking forward to this month. But I feel kind of stressy, with work, and school, and money, and just everything. Then before you know it, it will be Jan 2015, and the new year will probably fly by and it's mock week, and my birthday and exams and results and more results and working and then it will probably be December again in what felt like a week. 

Also now it is December I shall finally accept it is winter. Which I am kind of looking forward to. Because there will be plenty of snuggles, hot chocolate, maybe some snow, and hopefully some ice skating. However it will be very cold and wet and ugh. 

I guess this is all I have to say December. Just don't fly by too quickly. I want to enjoy some of your time. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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