Tuesday 23 December 2014

Holidays A Coming!

Wednesday 17th: Early mornings and walking to school with Emma talking about ice skating. Then going to biology to find out I got a B in the test last week, and I did the best! Woop Woop! I was also the only one who had completed the homework so she called me the queen of biology. Then it was break which is same old same old, and then I went to private study where I did some psychology stuff for the theory fair, and then it was pointless conference. And how was it pointless today? We did a Christmas quiz. However I managed to do some homework during that time. Also my team won! We have no idea how we did that, Mrs K just said CGEM (our team's name (Charlotte, Gemma, Elli (me) and Maddy)) and Emily laughed at my face of shock. Then it was lunch where we chatted and wore glasses and took pictures and ate waffles. Following this was media where we did coursework, and got some chocolates. Then the late bus home with Amy talking about things and the motorbike Christmas tree lights. 

Thursday 18th: Got a lay in. Woop! So I decided to eat some crumpets and watch American Dad! Then I went into school and did a lot more theory fair prep, and then it was lunch and everyone started singing Livin' on a Prayer which was hilarious, and I don't remember much else apart from weird dancing with people. Then it was theory fair time where I thought we did pretty well but only got one vote. But it was Alli's vote. And that is all that matters. After this  I went to an hour of private study, where I did some media coursework, and then the late bus home with Aims, Harvey and Theo where we discussed more of our movie, and sang songs, and chatted whilst I tried to call my sister to ask her if she wanted a take-away. Then I got home and got annoyed by the fact I haven't been paid for two shifts at work, and then ate some take-away and took a food nap and then blogged and such. 

Friday 19th: Last day of term!!!! It was a battle deciding if I wanted to get out of bed this morning. Because I only had to be in for two hours, so it was like can I really be bothered? But then I realised I had things to do so I powered through. I walked to school with Harvey and he was walking like an idiot. Then we got there and I don't remember much before heading to Biology where I made a beautiful sand dune, and we listened to Christmas songs, then any song we fancied, also we got cups of tea and chocolate. Then when that was over it was extended break, where we were given free food, I had a veggie burger, and Giancarlo and I were outraged that there were not any Jam doughnuts. During this time I chatted and proposed to Emma with a ringed doughnut. She accepted. Then I went into the study center and opened a few presents, wore a Thomas the tank engine mask

Saturday 20th: Me and Hal traveled to work together, and I had a pretty good day, serving people, and singing She Will Be Loved over my break and on our way back we decided to do the Conga and my friend kicked the wall, sorting out my pay, and then going back home on the bus with Hal. 

Sunday 21st: Was late to work because they expected me to be in when I physically couldn't get there. But I stayed later for them so I made up for it. I was without my trainer today, so I counted up a float and then served people with the help of another co-worker. Then it was break where we were talking about safety procedures and what would happen if we all just decided to leave in the middle of our shift, and we also had a laugh at the guy who didn't know the sundae machine was broken and had a little accident. Then I was serving on my own and did a pretty good job, made a few mistakes, and my hat fell in a mop bucket, but that's expected. Well maybe not the mop bucket bit. Then I was chatting to the managers about how busy it is going to be in the next couple of days as they counted my float and then I had to literally run for the bus, as the last one home was in 5 minutes. I forgot to clock out, but I called and it was ok. Then home! 

Monday 22nd: Most of this you would know from Yesterday's post. I spent most of the day on MLP, and watching tv, and eating crumpets and discussing what the group was going to do, and then I got ready to go. Headed to the meeting place and pretty much everyone was there. Then we walked down to the bowling place, and got our lanes and I went first and got a strike! Literally did not care for the rest of the game. Even got a second one. It was a good laugh and we took a lot of selfies, and I spent time with Lish who I miss so much. Then we went in the arcade, played crazy air hockey where I thrashed Gemma and Siobhan, and then I was on Dance Mat with Amy, and then we sat around chatting before heading our separate ways. Pretty good day. 

Tuesday 23rd: It does not feel like in two days it will be Christmas. So as this was a pretty long post you may be happy to hear (well read) that today I pretty much did fuck all, so you don't have to read anymore! Yay!

See you in the 'morrow!

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