Wednesday 17 December 2014

15 Festive Favourites

Hey, so due to business there is not going to be a video again this week, but instead I shall replace it with a Festive Tag, because of the upcoming Xmas season. You know it being next week an all. Unfortunately this time I will not actually be blogging on Xmas, but I'll talk about that more in another post. Let's move on to the tag which I first saw Tom Fletcher do on the Youtubes.

1. Favourite Festive Food:
Oh tough one, it is either my nannie's homemade roast potatoes (which my mum also makes and are delicious) or it is the stuffing which I sometimes just eat on it's own because I just find it so good. 
2. Favourite Reindeer: I don't even know all of them let alone which one is my favourite. I'll say Prancer cause he sounds Fab-a-dab.
3. Favourite Festive Day: Umm, I don't know, I just like all three because they are special in different ways I guess. This yeah Christmas Eve is probably out though cause I wont do anything. And I have to work Boxing Day. Hmm...
4. Favourite Christmas Song: This is between 3 it is either...

The Pogues (and Kirsty MacColl)- Fairytale of New York. 

Geraldine Mcqueen (Peter Kay) - Once Upon a Christmas Song

or The Darkness - Christmas Time (Don't let the bells end). 

5. Favourite Christmas Present: Hmm, I have had a lot of good presents. But I guess my phone, because a very special thing happened with my phone. Oh God that sounds weird. 
6. Favourite Festive Film: Does Nightmare Before Xmas count? Because it should. Does Love Actually count? Because it should, if not Xmas with the Kranks. So good. 
7. Favourite Christmas Cracker Toy: Those puzzle things where you have the chains or twisty thing and you have to untangle it. 
8. Favourite Christmas Cracker Joke: What do Reindeer hang on their Christmas tree?... Horn-aments! 

9. Favourite Christmas Decoration: Hmm... well in my house it has to be dead Santa. (Basically it is just a human sized crystal skull that one year I put a Christmas hat on (the ones with the attached beards) and it fitted perfectly and just stayed like that). 
10. Favourite Christmas Candle Scent: I have no idea, don't have any, but I'll guess something gingerbreaddy.
11. Favourite Christmas TV Advert: It has to be a John Lewis. However the Debenhams ones from last year, when we were looking at it in media was rather funny.
12. Favourite Festive Tradition: We don't really have traditions. 
13. Favourite Place to Spend Christmas: Just with the people I love the most, so where ever that is, that is. 
14. Favourite Christmas Fact: I don't know any facts and am too lazy to look for one or make one up. 
15. Favourite Snowman Accessory: Got to be a hat. Can't beat a good ol' hat. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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