Thursday 11 December 2014

ARGH! Re"love"ution?


 Hey guys, and before someone thinks it, despite the title and opening line NO I haven't turned into Chewbacca. (Sidenote, Star Wars Episode VII, OMHFG!)

No, basically I hate EE. They have tried to offer me a new deal, which I recieved which wasn't even the same deal they offered and then they tried to charge me £56 for NO REASON and now they've deactivated my sim and they are being total dicks. So I've had no phone for the last two or three days.


And tbh I'm not in the mood to do a massive blog for you lot, and I'm really sorry, however next week I vow to bring a tag or something equally or more eventful and interesting for you! 

But in the meantime, if you need something to watch, I have to admit that Russell Brand has taken me in and I am really behind everything he stands for. Although it seems unlikely, he really is one of the people, and if you want to get the real understanding about what he is doing, then please watch some of his content, because he really has his head screwed on, and he isn't the same celebrity who we used to know him as. He has reinvented himself and is standing up for the people. So you really ought to give it a view, if there is one thing you do before Christmas or before the new year then It's watch some of his videos, and I really cannot stress it anymore.

S'ya later!
See you in the 'morrow! 

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