Friday 5 December 2014

The Youtube Influence

Today I realized just how much youtube affects my life. I guess I always kind of knew it was a very big part of my life, considering I watch it everyday and feel kind of lost when I have seen all the recent videos. But it's more than just something to pass the time for me. It can make me happy when I am sad, like really sad, you just stick on a ScribbleNetty fanfic and I can't help but smiling. And I guess if that doesn't work I am truly gone and there is no way to fix it.  

Then today I saw a video which kind of broke my heart a little. Two of my favourite youtubers have separated. Nooo. I mean if it was the right thing for them I have nothing against that. But they were like my couple idols. I loved their relationship and wanted mine to be like that, well not anymore. 
I don't really have much more to say, I already have a post about my favourite youtubers and things. But I have to go to sleep soon as I have works early tomorrow, so this cannot take up too much of my time. So sorry, but I am a busy little bee. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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