Monday 8 December 2014

Money Troubles

So it is the month that everyone hates for one reason. They spend a lot of money. Yes this could be argued differently, but really I just needed a new way to start a post. Moving on... Basically I have never had a lot of money, I think the most I have ever had at a single time is £110, and I know that there are so many people who have never had that in there life, and I feel bad, and bringing up that point has made me feel this whole post is just a bitch slap to them because I am complaining about how little money I have. Dammit. But I guess that's the world we live in. We are greedy. Sometimes too greedy. 

And I feel mainly around Christmas when people are all like OMG I NEED THIS and OMG I NEED THAT! I know not everyone is like that but you get the odd few.  And the whole theme of Christmas nowadays is to spend money on presents and food and decorations. So for now let's just focus on the presents side. I feel bad when I can't buy people presents, because they go to the effort of getting something for me and I want to show how much they mean to me with a gift, but I don't want to just get them something cheap like chocolate because that isn't really special enough, but I guess when you have a group of like 17 friends you have to think a little carefully. However when you have 17 friends and spend £1 each on chocolate, that's still £17 which I don't usually have. 

But this month I have money, because as you should know I have a job. And the bright side of this is that I can buy some presents. However I am wanting to save up a bit to get something better, and by the time I buy people with upcoming birthdays presents, and presents for family, I will find myself with not enough money to get my friends something. So I feel just as shitty as last year. But this year I think I am just going to participate in the secret santa on time and then get everyone a little something after xmas, to keep the  joy going, maybe even before mock week to keep them in high spirits. 

On the other hand, I don't want to spend an awful lot of money on my friends. It's not because I don't love them enough, or something like that, it's just I want to save my money for the bigger goal of moving out. But to move out I will need to save a lot of my money, so I can't be all carefree with spending. Which makes me feel kind of bad as I am having to miss out on a lot of things. Like Kezia's birthday party. But in fairness I was going to have to pay like £21 pounds for a 3 course meal which I couldn't eat. And I have to miss out on Claire's because I am not so keen spending that much on a film I do not really want to see, also with the Claire one I feel I will be too busy to go. 

So ultimately I just feel bad. But in order to progress in life, I am going to need a bit of money, and therefore am going to have to prioritize a few things. So yeah. I think I will end this here. Nothing more really to say on the matter. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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