Sunday 7 December 2014


 Hello! This is probably really late, but even though I had a relaxing day, I just went full on relax and forgot to blog. But I remembered I had pictures I took of me playing 2048. Looking at the time stamps on there, not ashamed at all.

So if you are in the universe of I have no idea what this game is, you can get it on tablets and phones and stuff, and essentially you have to match up tiles and they double until you get up 2048, and then once you slave away trying to get that they allow you to continue. And Amy has gotten to 4096. Impressive stuff. 

Unfortunately I have never made it to the desired tile. But I have been extremely close. Like I had the 1024, the 512, the 254, the 128, and the 64 in a chain, and I just needed to make another 64 to link to the rest and I would have made it! But I was unable to *cries* 

But I do like to play it just to pass the time every now and then, however I find that when I want to stop playing I am doing surprisingly well and I get caught up in it and then it's like 10 minutes later. Even though this has the feature where you can just leave mid game and return to it, but I don't like that because I lose my rhythm. Yes I need a rhythm to play. Shut up. 

So I will probs end this here as I am getting tired. Me needs sleeps. You needs sleeps to. Unless it is like the middle of the day when you read this and you are perfectly awake. But you should still go to sleep. 

See you in the 'morrow!


  1. Yay! A 2048 dedicated post! I have now got to the 8,192 tile! I will leave a photo as proof in my next blog post as that game is almost over for me... :)

    1. Just drop out of 6th form and play 2048 for a living
