Monday 8 December 2014


Wednesday 3rd: I keep forgetting to open my advent calender in the morning. Oh well. I walked to school and then crazily revised for a test I thought I had first. And when I got to biology it turns out the test is next week. Oh well at least now I am better prepared. Miss Q also thought it was weird how much I loved biology. Then it was break where it was too crowded in the common room so we went into the study center and I don't remember much about what we talked about. Apart from me playing with Jessie's tiny ears. Then it was private study where I did media work, and then conference which wasn't conference so I continued with my media work. For lunch we had a chip shop adventure and then drew faces on the window of the common room. Then it was double media where we did work whilst having general chit chat. And finally it was the late bus home where mine was the first stop, yay! But I still had a few nice chats with Amy. 

Thursday 4th: I got a really nice lay in, then headed into school for private study. Where I was actually looking through uni courses, weird. And also did some psychology stuff. Then it was lunch with people and I sat on the chairs all sexy, whilst eating my yorkie and drinking my coke, talking to people about work and English. Then it was psychology where I got outraged by the fact we had to watch Toddlers in Tiara's because there are parents forcing a 21 month baby to wear makeup and pretty outfits and enter pageants. It's sickening. But she made up for it by giving us the homework of watching disney films. Then it was private study where I did some media work. Finally it was a cool late bus journey home, where we decided to make a film about us discussing to make a film about the late bus journeys we have. As well as dancing and listening to music. Fun late bus times. 

Friday 5th: I overslept and got the later bus in today. I saw some people for five minutes before heading off to biology where I was still so tired and learning about population and competition. I hate this side of biology. But miss Bingham made us all a cup of tea and then miss Quackenbush came in and we had a chat which was entertaining. Then it was break and I do not remember anything, so we shall move onto Media Studies where they were being mean to me because I asked what was hip-happening. And then we just continued with coursework. Then Jessie clung onto my arm even though I had to leave so I just kissed her on the head and she freaked out and I had my chance to escape! Then I went home.

Saturday 6th: I was up at 5:47 and got ready for the 7:06 bus so I could go to work, and clocked in early, even before my trainer was there, so I helped this guy stock up. Then my trainer got there and we counted a float and I signed in on my own till and served people while she ran for me. I only made a few slight mistakes so all was pretty good. A guy forgot to take his change though and I was feeling kind of bad. Break was hilarious as we were talking about weird fetishes. Then more work for me, but my float got counted early, so much money, and then I just helped someone else with their orders as my trainer finished before me for some reason. Then I went home, tried to take a nap, but dad woke me up.

Sunday 7th:  Ma lazy day. Nothing really much to say. Oooh that rhymed. I essentially just watched Once Upon A Time all day. 

Monday 8th: My timetabled day off, and I had a little lay in, and then decided to watch some tv whilst eating a tea cake. Then lunch with my grandparents. So we went and I was not happy with The Red Lion's change in menus. But it was still a nice time, even though mum forced us to sit outside in the cold, and they all judged the way I eat things. This is why I don't like eating in front of people. So then we went homes, and I headed back out again to Claire's as it is her last day of being 17. We had chats about many things and she opened her present and loved it. I missed Clive, and it was nice catching up, reminded me how I need to catch up with others. So I was there for like 3 hours and then came home again, dyed my hair, and skyped people, failed at completing homework because I just couldn't understand it, and then did my usual stuff (facebook, blogs, youtube). 

Tuesday 9th: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLIVE! Now we have that out of the way... I had a small lay in before I got ready to go to school and tried to do biology homework, I do not like population side of biology. Then it was break where not a lot happened apart from discussing when to dish out presents for secret Santa. Not sure mine is going to arrive on time. DRAMA! Then I had biology where there was more Drama as we discovered someone had been smoking in the guys toilets, and then we just talked about bad behaviour and attendance. Then it was lunch where Kez opened some late presents, ships were discussed and some more things I don't really remember. Then it was psychology where I got confused and tired and bleh. So let's move on to the late bus where I played a ukulele and was singing to Harvey as he was grumpy and tired. Then home where I took naps. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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