Tuesday 30 December 2014

Christmas Time, And The Rest...

Wednesday 24th: Christmas Eve! And I did pretty much nothing. I watched youtubes and TV and played Sims. Mainly because my sister was at work all day so we couldn't really do anything. But then we had our traditional chip shop chips and watched Nativity, then I went upstairs and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

Thursday 25th: Christmas Day! I was woken up early by a raging sister so went downstairs and ate some crumpets. Then I opened gifts from some of my friends (Thanks again you guys, love them :) ) Following this was gifts from parents and I love them too. Then we went to my grandparents and my cousins turned up and the little baby and it was just madness. The baby whacked me really hard in the face with a plastic teacup. And it turns out my cousin is preggers with baby number 2 which is good for her but also, why? Then we had christmas dinner when the cousins left and my nannie made me skeptical of all of her cooking. Then we chatted for a bit before heading home, and I don't remember much after that. 

Friday 26th: Boxing Day! I woke up and went to work. Super fun! I got there early so sat in the crew room watching christmassy stuff with a co-worker and then we went to work, I was on drinks all day, it wasn't that busy. Everyone was jealous that I was leaving before them though, in my defense they offered to stay longer. Then I went to my other nanny's and we chatted then had our traditional rolls, with leftovers (quorn meat for me) and also the delicious teeny cheese and onion rolls. We chatted and watched films before heading home. 

Saturday 27th: End of everything Christmassy, and I went to work and was on drinks again, this time it was pretty busy. Then for some reason I was on tills for the last couple of hours of my shift. Then I went to stalk Hal at work as well as buying a dress, a purse, and a black tee, and then we went to the bus stop and realised we just missed it, so went and got some chips from a chip shop, and then got the bus.

Sunday 28th: More work times, and I was on till all day, I had various runners, and sometimes I was on my own, and I was getting confused. When I started it was so quiet that someone was forced to go outside handing out leaflets to get customers in, then it went kind of crazy. I got to leave on time though and headed for the bus, with Hal. Then when I got home I played sims until like 2am. 

Monday 29th: I slept a lot, got up and ate, then watched tv, played more sims, and watched youtubes. Not a lot was accomplished. 

Tuesday 30th: Got up late, ate breakfast, watched tv,then got ready to go shopping with Hal. My first stop was to see my little Aims and we had a chat then I met Hal at Nandos.and we ate food, then went shopping. I got some clothes and make-up. Super girly time for me. And then we headed home, and watched Big Fat Quiz Of The Year, and then wrote out this blog and watched youtubes, and will then finish this blog and publish it and maybe die, cause I feel like shit. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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