Tuesday 2 December 2014

Early Starts, Mush and Yeah

My mind is mush, so don't expect much detail.

Wednesday 26th: an early start, as usual on a Wednesday. Then Biology where I had to share my biology model, which wasn't completely completed. Then break and private study and conference, where it wasn't officially conference, and we spent most of the time talking to Mr Taylor about things we want to improve, and straight away Giancarlo mentioned mirrors in the guys toilets. And some more stuff. Then group mentor where we spoke about what our future plans are. As well as strengths and weaknesses. My strength is my ugly face my weakness is my size. Then it was a chip shop adventure. And finally it was Media where we did things I don't really remember. 

Thursday 27th: Another early start, and first was psychology. Yay. So much fun. I don't even remember what happened. Then I had private study where I still remember nothing and then I stayed for lunch and had some ice cream before going home. And doing essentially nothing. I think I ordered something online. And got annoyed by some online stuff for my work.

Friday 28th: More early starts, so much fun for me! And I started with some private study which I don't really remember, then media which wasn't really media because we just had to stick to the deadline which I did, so I did some biology work. Then it was lunch which I don't remember and then Biology, where we played the survival of the fittest raisin game.

Saturday 29th: Still more early starts because of work, however I am getting paid for this so it isn't all bad. I wiped a lot of trays and did some cleaning and then I got trained on tills! Instead of being on lobby which is what I was meant to do. At first I was just running for my trainer and then when it got quieter I managed to take some orders whilst she collected them for me. It was fun. 
Sunday 30th: I got a day off, so I just relaxed and watched youtubes and tv and played games. So blog wise pretty boring. 

Monday 1st: School, yay! To start with was media where we improved on our essays and had some fun conversations. I love media. Then it was break and yeah, and the psychology which was yeah, and then it was home time. Even though this was yesterday most of it is just mush. When I got home I skyped people and did work though. 

Tuesday 2nd: A lay in followed by a bus not turning up. Never fun for me. So I got a lift in with my mum and got to school for break. Then I had private study where I revised for my biology test tomorrow and finished with some psychology revision for my test I had later. Then it was Lunch where Emma said some things she thought were innocent but they really weren't, and we found out about what our star signs said about us. Mine seemed rather accurate. And then it was the psychology test which I pretty much failed, and then making notes and going home on the late bus. On the late bus home Amy, Harvey, theo and I decided we were going to start our own fast food chain that sells pasta. We are going to call is Fasta Pasta, and I think you should all help fund this. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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