Friday 12 December 2014

Fun Tweets of Younger Me

Hello, so it is about time we brought back the fun tweets of younger me. So let's get crackin'.

Basically most of my tweets are me having conversations with Amy, This first one is my response to Amy's tweet about giving up on her revision, however this is my attitude towards revision now. 
I actually remember this, I got all excited that Disney Movie channel were showing all three Lion Kings and I recorded them and watched one a day. 
Then Amy responded talking about how good the film is and we got into a conversation about how my sister didn't want to watch, and then this other show, and I respond to her awkwardness of sending a tweet to herself that was meant for me. So I might just skip those tweets. 

I literally just talk to Amy, here we are just talking about exams. However art exams are 10 hours so I am not quite sure what I am talking about. 

Amy was trying to get Wagner from X Factor (was it X Factor?? I don't know) to follow her on twitter so I was giving her some words of encouragement, in a way. 

Little bit of my old youtube channel promotion, I begin to share like all of the videos for like months some point after this so I will skip all of those and just include other tweets. 

Ah Eleanor was talking about how she thought she failed the history exam, and I thought I did also. Taking into account that this was GCSE, so long ago, oh my god. 

Amy finally got Wagner to follow her. 

Eleanor said in response I was clever and this is mine, little did I know how well I actually did with my GCSE's.

Yeah Art Homework was so much fun, took me hours to complete. was horrible. 

Do not remember this day, but if it involved lemons and faces it must have been pretty good. 
I don't know how I win for doing worse than someone who wasn't even there most of the time, but I still think it was a good score. 

My response to Amy's tweet about Horrible Histories. I swear I just use twitter to talk to Amy.

Amy tweeted me about my test saying it was unfair and how I should say how I didn't have enough time to revise, this was my response. 
My mum wrote a poem I was going to use in my art exam, I ended up hating what I made and never used it so I feel bad, but it was still a good poem about lions. 
 I would have rather been in my exam than Physics, it was so boring, and I finished early. 
I have a weird concept of what completes my life. 

Basically what the tweet says. I remember that snail drawing, it was beautiful, i wish I still had it, but I think there is a video of it somewhere. 

Well I guess this is enough for now. Mainly because I needs sleeps for works in the morning.

See you in the 'morrow! 
Well Sunday...And I wont even see you, I will just see a computer screen/ Why do I use this to end my post? Unless I am talking to the computer screen? Dun Dun Dun. 

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