Friday 10 October 2014

Tweets! Tweets Everywhere!

So the other week, my friends and I were talking about twitter and I finally tweeted after about 4 months, so I thought hey, this would be a good chance to look back on past tweets and talk about them, if I remember them of course.  I think some might already be on this blog from my whole 2013 things but whatever let's just share them again. There are a lot of tweets so this will more than likely become a small series. Here Goes:
Aww the very first tweet, so basic. 2009! That was 5 years ago :/ I feel so old.

Ah I made a joke, so random with my tweets.
I think she tweeted about this so I tweeted her back. Because the little mermaid is the greatest Disney film. However hate how I spelled love there.

Ugh some more terrible grammar. I tweeted this guy off big brother, as you can guess from the next tweet, he was talking about dressing up as the baby Jesus or something and I thought this was a good thing for him to do. 
Did not blog a month after this.

Basically, Hal was going to go to Noel Fielding gig, and because dad paid for it he was also going to give me a bit of money, but the gig got cancelled so I had nothing and felt like complaining to the man himself. 
Wow I am obsessed with tweeting celebs. Why am I talking about sky plus??

Pretty self explanatory, a very inspirational message there.

I do not remember this day at all, but apparently it was fun.

 Well this is clearly the day after I went to go see HOP with my friends, all I remember is sitting at the back of the cinema dancing every time there was some music.
 I assume my mother said something about banks and such, so I made a joke about how banks come in the form of your parents.
 We have this sandwich cutter, that makes them into dinosaurs. I need to find this and make me a sammich!
Basically Hal, Giancarlo and I decided to go watch the Winnie the Pooh movie on the day of the royal wedding, however Giancarlo wasn't there at the right time and he went to go see Rio instead. There weren't very many people in the cinema, just me Hal, this man and his two kids. At least, I hope they were his kids...
 I am ever so slightly obsessed with orange juice. However (Warning Cringe Moment) this tweet is now untrue.
 Just a little self promotion of my old youtube channel. 
 Ah Waterloo Road, the show that loves fire.
 Yes, Momo's Birthday, he invited Jessie and I over for a meal, but it had meat in it so I couldn't eat it, and I wasn't a fan of the veggie option, so I just sat there eating sultanas. Then the cake smushing started. 
I strangely remember the coconut part. Someone brought in a coconut and the everyone tried breaking it, and when that was over I was approaching strangers asking them id they wanted a bit. I don't remember the moustache though :/
And Finally, the tweet that seems pretty self explanatory. Even though I do not remember any of it. 

Evidently that is not all my tweets, but if I do them all this post will go on forever. So enjoy these for now, and I shall return with more tweets soonish. Bye Bye.

See you in the day after the 'morrow!

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