Tuesday 28 October 2014

Part of Half Term

Wednesday 22nd: The last day of school before the week and a half off. Early start and Giancarlo spent the day being bitchy about how Jessie said he was anti-social. So my first lesson was biology and Miss Quackenbush was concerned by my slight extreme vegetarianism, and we learnt about controlling the heart rate and such and such, then it was break, which I don't remember, and then it was private study/ pointless conference (but it wasn't really conference) where I did my media work and spoke to peeps about uni and shiz. Then it was lunch and Jessie and I just kept staring at each other. After this was Media Studies, where we watched some film trailers and spoke about our coursework, and then I headed home.

Thursday 23rd: I woke up at 8:30, and I seriously think there is something wrong with me, I used to not rise until 11 or later when I didn't have school. But I showered and then went to a lunchtime meal with my grandparents to celebrate my nannie's birthday. It was a nice little time, and then I went home and played a lot of sims, then I had to collect the online shopping, and the guy told me I had a nice smile, and I felt awkward for the remainder of the day. But I returned to sims, watched youtubes, had a catch up with Paige, and then some stuff happened and I went to sleep.

Friday 24th: Again I woke up early, I just assume I am still in a school routine, but I didn't do much. 

Saturday 25th: Woke up at 10:30, we are getting back to normal, don't worry people! When I woke up I found out my sister is returning home for the weekend, yay! However because I've had no time to sort out her room, she has nowhere to sleep. Not so yay. But then I spent the rest of the day watching tv, before showering and scared Hal who was sleeping in my bed and I chatted to her for the night. 

Sunday 26th: After Hal kept hitting me in the face during the night, I woke up early, and the family got ready to go to Hemsby to surprise my nanny with Hal's sudden arrival. Nanny didn't notice Hal standing there at first, but she was so happy when she saw her, she almost cried. It was adorable. So we sat inside chatting for a bit, and Hal and I took selfies on Nanny's phone, as well as me capturing one of my dad where somehow he looked kind of pregnant. Then we went up the road and got some dindins, I had chips, cause duh. Then we went on the 2p machines and won a baby meerkat toy. We tried to win other stuff but there wasn't much of interest, so we went back to the caravan, chatted some more, and went home. At home, Hal and I played sims, my little pony, and watched Waterloo road. It was great having her back. And then some bad shiz happened, and then it kind of got better, and then I went to sleep. 

Monday 27th: Yesterday made me feel a bit ugh, so I stayed at home, and did some work and watched youtubes. Along with some video editing, and blog preparations. It was a super fun day. 

Tuesday 28th: Job Hunt Day. Because I really need a job, because my goal is to move out by the end of 6th form, and to do that, I need money, which a job will get me. Also I want the distraction from 6th form. So I went into le city with 10 copies of my CV and went into stores to hand them out, I managed to hand out 5 and was told I needed to apply to some places online, which isn't bad. Then when I got home I looked at some more stores I didn't go in and tried applying some more. So today was pretty productive. Now I am just going to relax, blog and sleeps. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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