Monday 20 October 2014

A2 So far!

So Wednesday is the last day before half term begins. Yep it's that time already. Therefore I thought now was a good time for me to talk about how I am finding A2 so far. 

Even though it has been like a month and a half, I felt like this year and last year have meshed and there was no holiday in between, and it hasn't felt like there has been any change. Even though they replaced Mr Galley with Miss Miah and we have gained a whole new psychology teacher. As well as the fact the class numbers has decreased a lot. However I have kind of adapted to it so much that it feels like that is how it has always been. 

The workload I'd say hasn't increased significantly much, which is nice, but I think because it is a more important year I am getting kind of stressed about it all, like I don't think I am going to be prepared enough in time, even though I am up to date, and I am getting freaked out by the little things. Exams scare me, and the pressure of finding a part time job does not help. 

But I think A2 is cool, we are learning some pretty fascinating stuff in Biology, I am enjoying media, psychology could do with a lot of improvement, and private study is fine. Conference can go fuck itself, and I miss those who are no longer with us. Makes it sound a bit like they are dead. But yeah. 

That is all for my thoughts I guess. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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