Sunday 19 October 2014

Creating Me 2.0

So as you would know if you read my post last week, sims 4 is in my hands and I can play the game. Therefore I had to create me. And if you have read previous posts then you would have seen me try to create myself on the cas demo released. So this post is about my actual character in the actual game. Exciting I know. If you wish to read these previous posts here are the links

Sims 4 First Impressions
Sims 4 CAS Demo

So mainly my hair and face still pretty much look the same to the demo, maybe a few tweaks here and there. I decided not to add any make-up this time round, partially to laziness, partially to the fact I never wear make-up. But the outfits are where things differed, so lets take a little lookylook. 

The obvious place to begin, as this will be mainly what my sim will be seen in. My main goal was to make it like myself, duh. And I needed a checked shirt. But I hate the one in the game. Sorry game :/ But it just makes you look fat in weird places. So I actually got this cute checked shirt with a vest from downloadable content. I don't wear a checked shirt like that, but it was the  nicest thing I could find. Then I thought blue jeans went the best with it, and decided to go for red converse, to match the top, even though I don't actually own red converse, I might buy one just to make this more realistic. 

Gotta love the derp face she is pulling, so me. 
Formal Wear:
So we move on to what I will wear on formal occasions. Now this kind of meshes with what I would wear everyday (as more of a summer look) but I thought, eh it has some sophistication to it, so why not? Again the dress is another downloaded item, because I had a slight download binge the night I got the game. But it's so pretty, and if I had this dress I would totally wear it all the time. I think you can buy one in Primark. But anywho, I added tights, little slip on shoes, and a necklace, to add some class. plus it's what I wear.

More downloadable content, as seen in my vest top. It was a robot, it is cute I have to have it. I probably would never wear this outfit, as I never do any exercise, so I thought I would go for what looked cute, with a little bit of the sex factor. I love the idea of thigh high socks, and if I had nice sized thighs I would wear them and look fabadab. 

Party wear:
I still don't see the point in this category, but eh dressing up. So I thought I would include jumpers, as I tend to wear them, and decided to add a skirt, cause why not? Plus the skirt was pretty cute in my opinion. And plus this was my chance to include docs! I also was a bit adventurous in the fact she isn't wearing tights. :O You would never see me in public without something covering my legs. I just hate my legs. But yeah, lets get my partay on!

If this was a top and not a full body thing, I would be so happy. But it's full body, so I am having it as my sleepwear as it is the closest I am going to get to the right kind of checked shirt. Plus I would wear that to bed anyway. So yeah. Plus again it has  slight sex appeal.

So once this was done, I made some of my friends and unleashed Elli into the Sims Wilderness. To live and explore. I left her alone for 5 minutes and she already made an enemy with someone who has Pancakes as a last name. I probably wont focus my sims 4 stuff on Elli, as she is more personal gameplay, but I have other stuff planned. But here look at this picture of Elli with some of my friends (do not get offended if you feel it doesn't look like you, because I give up in create a sims pretty easily after a while. Plus there is only so much you can do. Also I have made more of my friends, but they live in different houses.)

A very casual conversation about rain in the kitchen over breakfast. 

Well that is all for this games post, don't worry it isn't going to be Sims 4 every week :P

See you in the 'morrow!

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