Friday 17 October 2014

The Best Weather

It's randomness time! And today let's talk about the weather. Because we are going to do elevator small talk. Which I hate. But anyway. I am going to talk about my favourite weather today, because I saw it a couple of weeks ago, caught a few snaps and thought it is just beautiful. 

So my favourite kind of weather is when the sun is really low, low enough to kind of stalk behind buildings like heeeey. And when you take a photo you get those really pretty lens flares of the sun streaks bursting between the buildings. When the sun is this low you are able to see the really shallow type of rain, and it just looks really pretty. Also I love it when you are out after it has been heavily raining and the sun comes out, because the air goes all warm and there are puddles that cutely reflect the sun, and everything just seems so calm. 

And then, the magic happens. A rainbow appears. I took pictures of this too, because they are just so pretty, but unfortunately the camera on my phone, cannot capture the same beauty I see with my eyes. This was a really vibrant rainbow and I loved it, there was also a slight double rainbow which you can see in one of the images, and then in real life there was a hint of a third, but it was too faint to capture. But anywho rainbows are awesome. 

On the topics of rainbows I feel this is the perfect opportunity to rant about something that annoys me more than it probably should. it is when things are not in rainbow order. Now don't get me wrong I do like a bit of chaos and mismatch when it comes to using the colours of the rainbow, but it is when they are clearly trying to put it in some kind of order and they get it wrong. Like it's red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink then back to red. Think of colour wheels so it completes the circle. if you have colours missing you can still put it in an order. So for example you have red yellow green and purple, you can use it in that order, maybe move the purple in front  of the red to make it more aesthetically pleasing, because in my opinion placing purple next to green doesn't always look that great, but it still fits with the circle. 

How can people get this order wrong though? Like seriously it is called rainbow order, because of the rainbow, which isn't made up, it's a thing, that shows you the order it is meant to be. Like ugh! And when something is not in this order I have a little freak out and have to sort it out, which my friends love just moving one colour to fuck me off. >.< But like I said you can have mismatch and disorder to the use of the rainbow, because they do look nice, it is just when they tried for a bit and seemed to have given up some point in the middles. Like I once had a purse with rainbow hearts on it, and it was in order apart from blue and green were switched round. I still can't get over this. 

That is enough ranting, since this was clearly meant  to be about the weather. Oh well.

See you in the 'morrow! 
Or Sunday...

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