Tuesday 21 October 2014

My Jam Packed Week (featuring no jam)

Why waste time with an intro, this post is long enough as it is.

Wednesday 15th: Early start, walked to school, went to the Study centre to see Jass, whilst I did some last minute revision for the biology thing. Then it was biology and I did pretty well. YAY! Then Miss Quackenbush kept saying how I was the one who she was always nice to. Then it was breakedy break time where the common room was full so I went back to the study centre where Jessie and I claimed some computers, and then we started our work, I was completing one of the many pieces of psychology homework. I finished the essay yay! Then there was sheet where we had to write a report on a relationship breakdown that interested us, so I tried asking Maddy if she'd leave Tom for a bit just so I can write a report, she refused. So then it was pointless conference. Where we discussed the news and conflicts... Gemma wasn't impressed with my lack of knowledge. I don't watch the news ok. I don't know what is going on in the world. Because unless it affects me and there is something I can do to change it, I don't need to be informed.  After this was double media, where we were looking at Men's Health Magazine, which essentially says, if you get healthy you get sex. Then we talked about idealogy and how ideas are created and reinforced by the media. This then led to a conversation about Hitler. After all of that was the late bus journey,with Aims, Andrew and Theo. We were discussing Zombie films and the fact I am going to turn into a serial killer because of the little twat on the bus who kept playing this ringtone. And there were some other chats but I cannot really recall them. So I went home, ate watched youtube, blogged and fell asleep just after nine. 

Thursday 16th: Woke up about 3 in the morning then I went back to sleep and woke up at half 7 where I proceeded to watch some youtube, and eat a fuck load of curiously cinnamon. I love that stuff. Then I decided to do some blog drafts to post in the future, and then I took a shower and got ready for school. Then I went to private study and completed some psychology homework. We had to write a report about a relationship break up, so I made one up about Bill and Ben (the flowerpot men) and managed to make about 7 flower puns. I'm sure she will enjoy it, When she takes it in. Then it was lunchtime, where Emma  called Emily mum, we discussed jobs and school stuff, and other things I assume. Then it was psychology where we watched this video of something we watched at the  end of last year, but no-one said anything. Then I had another study, where we were talking to Ali about her fiancee whilst I was doing some Biology work. A late bus journey home where we were talking about driving and more frustrating people on the late bus >.< then my usual after school shiz.

Friday 17th: Woke up this morning feeling fine, dernananerna dernanernerna. That was a lie, but I just felt like singing. Nah today I just was all ugh,but when I got to school and spoke to peeps I felt a little bit better. And then in Biology we got to play with balloons and our teacher made us all cups of tea. It was a pretty good morning, then it was break where I was just telling people about the biology luxury and Jessie and I headed off to media, where we watched a bit of X-Factor "Yes, I like pugs" and then we saw two music videos, All about that bass, which I still have in my head, and salute. Both are bad. We had to analyse them for their ideology. Which was fun.Then I stayed at lunch for a bit, and Emma looked disgusted when I said I don't add sugar to weetabix and seriously confused that there was a way to drink tea without sugar. So then I left to get a birthday card for nanny and went home, and the usual shiz happened.

Saturday 18th: The start of the busy weekend. I woke up around 8:30 deciding on how I was going to spend the remainder of my day. I settled with going to Hemsby and see my nanny who I haven't seen in over a month, she's been a little upset about Hal moving away, and I thought it would be nice for her. Anywho... So we went to Hemsby, and chatted outside the caravan for a while, before we went for a carvery (mine was the veggie option obviously). It was delicious but I couldn't eat it all. So we sat outside the pub/restaurant place in the sun chatting some more and doing some squirrel watching. Then we drove back to the caravan and Dad and I went to the arcades, after talking about crashing the local wedding. Then we could have sang that busted song. I won 3 key chains, pretty proud of myself. Then I gave one of them to my nanny as a gift. Then we headed home and like an hour later.
Sunday 19th: Interview day. I woke up and got ready and was out of the house by like 10. As my mcdonalds interview was not for another 2 hours, I did some shopping, saw Loveday,who gave me advice on footwear, and then saw Amy just before my interview, where she gave me an adorable good luck note (which I still have) and a free coke! Aims is adorable. So I got there 10 minutes early and informed them of my arrival and then got pushed to the side for like half an hour before I was actually seen. I didn't mind though, it gave me more time to prepare.  So he asked me some questions, and he seemed impressed with the answers. Then I got to work for a bit, with Dom, who was so tall. and I made drinks and it was fun. Then I left and headed to Jessie's where Giancarlo was there and we watched youtubes, then Giancarlo left for work, we met up with Eddie and then stalked Giancarlo at work, before I went home.

Monday 20th: My day off, so my only true day to relax in the comfort of my own home. I did not get out of my pjs for the whole day. I started with lots of sleep, followed by youtube, media homework (which is essentially just watching tv and analysing it) Then playing the sims 4, food, more youtubes, some blogging. A relaxing bath, then some more blogging, watching shows online, and sleep. 

Tuesday 21st: Wake up in the morning feeling like Winehouse (The Midnight Beast reference) I didn't really feel like Amy Winehouse this morning, but I have this song in my head. So anywho I got up, got ready, walked to school, found a late Giancarlo, spent like half an hour trying to print off some media images in colour. Sat with Amy and chatted whilst I did some media work. Then it was break and stoof happened. Then it was double biology where we talked about limiting factors of photosynthesis and we split into groups to make a presentation and I pretty much did all the work. But Miss Bingham made us all a cup of tea again. Then it was lunchtime where Giancarlo shouted at Connor for touching his sausage, and Connor was being responsible to not start a debate about abortion, and I tried to move a water bottle from one foot to another. Then it was psychology where I tried to bullshit my way through an assessment, then gave up and did some origami. Then the classed played heads down thumbs up, and cheese on toast, whilst I was responsible and did some work. Then it was the latebus with Aims, Emily, Harvey, and Theo, where I had a lovely little rant about 6th form. Once home I relaxed for a bit before doing some work, and then relaxing some more, before I blogged, and then after I have finished this current post I shall sleeps.

See you in the 'morrow!

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