Tuesday 7 October 2014

Catch-Up Tuesday

Hello! So continuing with my schedule it is catch-up Tuesday, where I just say what I have been up to, let's go!

Saturday: Another long suffering day without my Sims 4 game. HOW MUCH LONGER DO I HAVE TO WAIT!? So instead I applied for some jobs, realised I couldn't book an interview because the website had crashed, and then played sims for a bit. Then I proceeded to watch Kpopp on youtube for hours. 

Sunday: The plan was to go to Hemsby to see my Nanny and get some chippychips. But unfortunately something had come up, and mum got some bad news, so I shall be staying in, on this rather beautiful day. I started by blogging. Then did some biology work, played sims and watched youtube. 

Monday: An Amazing Day! It was my scheduled day off school,and I was watching some tv when I received some mail. Guess what it was. I shall give you a moment...............IT WAS SIMS 4!!!!!!! Literally from that moment I played sims (after waiting like 40 minutes for it to install) then I decided it was probably time I ate some food,so I did that,did some psychology work, and watched youtube before falling asleep. 

Tuesday: Back to 6th form for me. Yay. At least I got a small lay in.  First up was le private study with Aims, where we did our work, discussed the invading privacy of my psychology homework and then I discussed neurons with her, which lead to Milo from the tweenies and then we just discussed  the tweenies in depth. So normal :P Then it was the day of arts and crafts, where I made a marble run in biology and played with play-doh in psychology. Oh the things we do at A-level. I also had various people sit on me today, and discussions of me being a lesbian. Oh and lets not forget the late bus journey with Aims and Andrew where we talked about jobs and maths and Latin. Oh Late Bus Times:) 

See you in the 'morrow!

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