Monday 13 October 2014

Future Worries

I'm worried about my future. Mainly because I don't think I am ever going to get a job. I try so hard, and I always get rejected. :/ I really need a job as well. because I would like to move out by the end of 6th form, I just feel it would make things easier. But in order to do that I need money, from a job, which I can't get

I also think I am not going to do well in my A-levels so I am going to get nothing from that, plus I haven't applied to ucas so the school will bitch and moan because I have no plan. Well I do have a plan. I want a job. But a job I can't get. So I'm all ahbase2WQUOIAZJSX because I am scared that I am going to leave 6th form and probably just going to have to become homeless. 

I know this is kind of a short thought, but some thoughts don't go on forever, and plus me getting pretty sleepy, so yeah.

See you in the 'morrow!

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