Friday 3 October 2014

The Good Stuff?

Hi! So in this post we are going to have a little catch up on my life over the past 3 days. Let's just get on to the good stuff.

Wednesday: The longest day, however it was pretty good. I woke up at like 5:30 for some reason so decided to watch some youtubes and then get ready for school. I got there and was all alone for ages, until Maddy and Stead turned up, followed by other people, and then I had to go to double biology where we spoke about being pregnant, funerals, and reflexes. Pretty fun. Then I went to break where I was given these adorable gloves from Jassie, and spoke to peeps, and then made my way to private study. Where I made a timetable and wrote my personal statement, and then it was conference. YAY! This week's pointlessness. Choose a political topic, make a presentation. I am working with Siobhan and Jass, and our topic is: Should the voting age be reduced to 16? We found a page on the internet where a woman said it should because 16 year olds are inferior as they have lived shorter lives which is their fault. No it's not! It's their parents fault for not banging sooner. Then it was lunchtime and people were being anti-social. Then Jass and I went to media where we filmed our fake cooking show, and she kept saying cock instead of cost, and I got flour all over me, but then we got cupcakes and i gave one to Amy on our late bus journey. However I wasn't home long for like 2 hours later I went tubing! Then I came home and slept.

Thursday: Today the school is having an open day for those that will become the new year 7's so the school was closing after period four, meaning I only had to be in for period four. And that was private study. But it's ok because on Wednesday, I spoke to Ali and she allowed me to take the day off, which I spent at home completing my biology work, watching youtubes, and waiting for sims 4. WHY ISN'T IT HERE YET! So then I just played the sims 3, did my media work and went to sleeps. 

Friday: Earliness, loneliness, sleepiness. The Morning. So lets just skip to double media, where we learnt about chloroplasts. Fun fact: Plants look green, because chlorophyll absorbs all colours but green and yellow, these are reflected, which makes the plant look green. I made a model chloroplast and we didn't have to hand in our homework, which I spent all of yesterday doing. Ugh, then it was break which I don't remember, followed by double media where we were given cake, edited our videos which was just so funny, and then it was lunch which was super quiet, so I went home. Where there is still no Sims 4. I shall cry for a lifetime. But I played on Sims 3. Watched youtubes, blogs and I assume I will watch more youtubes and go to sleep following this.

See you in the 'morrow!

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