Sunday 26 October 2014

Jelly Splash

Omg I am not going to talk about sims! This is shocking alright. So for this games post I am going to talk a little bit about the facebook game (it might come in other forms I am unsure of this) Jelly Splash. Which personally I find highly addictive and frustrating. 

So I started playing because of this person, constantly sending me help requests, and I thought, fuck it, I'll play. And the addiction started. As you can see I have already made it to this level. Which I am stuck on >.<

So basically the aim of the game is to match up more than one of the same colour jelly, to get points, the more you match up, the more points you get, and every level has a different target. So some is get this many points, others are clear grey slime, and then bring the diamond to the bottom. All with a set number of moves. 

Now I don't remember when this started but all of a sudden there is this weird magic missions thing, and I don't see the point, and quite frankly it rather annoys me. But it just pops up interrupting your game play.

Like most addictive games, the makers try to con you out of money. So you can get more rewards to get better scores, or to get more lives. Now I tend to avoid spending money, because it really isn't worth it, because it doesn't take that long for your lives to re-spawn and you can do something better with your time while you wait. However I do know how annoying it is to run out of lives.

So I do like this game, but I'm not serious enough to pay for it, and I don't really see why anyone would be. I just use it to entertain myself when I am bored. Plus, like most facebook games I play it for a bit, like really addictively, and then forget about it. Like there was a time I used to play criminal case daily, and I haven't played on it now for like a year. That to me is why games are not worth the money most of the time. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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