Monday 27 October 2014

Animal Rights, and Opinion Sharing

Why did I decide to make Elli's thoughts? It's the hardest one to write, I barely have any thoughts! Ok I have some, but I'm not sure if I should write them. I guess no-one really reads these posts anyway. So whatever I say isn't going to make much of an impact. 

So my thought for today, is something I am very passionate about, and after seeing a video where people were being bastards in the comment, it has got me all riled up and I need to vent my feelings. Obviously you don't have to read if you don't want to, and you can have your own opinions on it, but just respect mine and don't say anything ok. 

Basically, as you may or may not know, I am a vegetarian, and have been for like 8 years now. I made the decision on my own to stop eating meat, because I realised it was cruel to the animal, because I felt they didn't deserve to die for my pleasure. And the more I thought about it the more I cared for animals, and I couldn't watch videos that involved animal cruelty because I would just start crying, and I just hate animal testing and things like that. But I'm not one of those vegetarians/vegans who try and force it on everyone else, if my friends or family or strangers wish to continue with their lifestyle so be it, but I don't feel right, harming something else for my own personal gain. 

So today I was watching some youtubes, and I came across two videos by WULAS (which are vlogs by Anthony from Smosh and his fiancee Kalel) In the first one it shows them fostering this baby kitten, who is the runt of the littler, and gotten ill because he was so small, and wasn't strong enough to beat his siblings to the food. So they took him in and cared for him, by ensuring he ate, and giving him constant attention. Then in the next video it starts with how during the night he got worse, and they had to take him to a cat hospital, and he came out ok, and seemed stronger by the end of the video. 

Now I love this, because if I could I would take care of animals, and I would want to adopt them all. Anywho... it was a few of the comments on this video that frustrated me the most. There were some about how Kalel was an idiot because she was crying at the thought of Mogwai (it's what they called the cat) dying, and then there were more extreme ones about how the cat deserved to die. Why are people like this?

Yes they can have their own opinion, but do they need to share it in that way? It's inconsiderate. When people are upset by something you don't be all bitchy and make them more upset, because that makes  you a dick. Yeah you may not agree with why they are upset, but it shouldn't give you the right to share your opinion like that knowing it will only upset them more. To them, the cat is like a child, yeah they haven't known him long, but that doesn't make them idiots for caring. I haven't even met this cat and I feel sad at the thought he could die. But why should that make me an idiot? 

And why does this cat deserve to die? Is it because he is just a cat? But that isn't fair on the cat. Why do we decide his life isn't that important? Or is it because he is weak, and the runt? In that case does it make it ok to start killing off all those human children who are weak starters? How is it any different? That is what frustrates me.

I'm going to end my rant there, because I could probably share my opinion forever, but I don't want to because I know some people disagree and don't want to hear it. 

The main point of this isn't to convince you all that animal cruelty is wrong, and that you should all become vegetarians or something. My main point is that, you should be careful when sharing your opinions, yes it is ok to have different views on something to another, but there is a time and a place. And when you do share it, pick your words carefully, don't call them idiots for their own view.

See you in the 'morrow!

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