Monday 6 October 2014

Losing My Tubing Virginity

If you read my post on Friday, you would have saw me mention how I went tubing on Wednesday, too much happened on this day for me to include it in that post so I dedicated Elli's thoughts to it. Cause it can be my thoughts on the time out, as well as what I think of tubing, yeah!. So this is my run through of the day:

I was picked up by Emma and we went to get Amy and we had a mini road trip, singing songs and me getting scared, and just general chatter as we traveled to this place to do tubing. So we got there and saw  Lish, Momo and Connor and we waited behind a bush for a failed attempt at scaring Emily, Kez, Siobhan and Maddy. So then we went Tubing and I was the only one who got to wear an adorable pink helmet. 

So we head out there and I am getting increasingly more scared, because I don't do heights. So I was following Connor on this travelator thing, wow this makes me sound like a stalker, and was like: Nope, nope. Nope. NOPE! Then we got to the middle (yep it got higher!) and I was pushed down a slope in a rubber ring thing, which I named Susan. The whole way down I was saying "Help me" increasing tempo the closer I got to the end, and when I reached the end I rather enjoyed it, but was still scared for more. 

We went down the slopes in a variety of ways. The scariest, was when he spun me more and I almost fell out of the thing, and we went in pairs, 5's and group circles. Everytime I was like nope.  The group circle ones were fun as we all smushed together at one point, and then when we joined this other party of people, I felt like we were speed dating. However I did trip the safety on the travelator once. Oops! 

There was also a lot of banter going on, Emma telling Gian he had a big tube, Giancarlo telling me to shake my groove thang, Maddy and I flirting because I had my legs wrapped around her, the guy ruining my cas' as I tried to do the run and jump but failed so I shouted at him. Me owning the guy as he tried to say circles don't have middles and I was like "actually they do it's called the area".

After all this we went up to a bar and sat around, chatting, eating cake, drinking coke, and taking pictures.  Then we went home, so it was another party car moment with Ems and Aims having some down time before we listened to Barbie Girl. COME ON AMY LET'S GO PARTY! It was a great night and I would want to do it again, but it looks pretty expensive. Thanks Emily for the night. I do suggest if you have the money you should go with a group of friends, because it is good bonding time. Almost wrote bondage time. Awkward. I miss Susan...Wow why did bondage remind me of Susan? Umm... I should go before I lose it. I've already lost it haven't I? Oh Well...

See you in the 'morrow!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, most people are "Nope, Nope, Nope" when they're around me. ;)
