Year 7- As October came about I wasn't that far into the new school, but I had made a friend. Joni. That year Joni, my sister, her friend Hannah, and I
went trick or treating around my home village. We got all dressed up and ready to go (yes this is the embarrassing picture) I remember not actually getting that many sweets, and part way through I got really annoyed at Hariette because she wouldn't let me go to a friends house after she promised, just because the walk was ever so slightly out of the way. And I kind of stormed off which she wasn't happy about. I also remember going to Claire's house and chatting to her. Nothing else.
Year 8- Another embarrassing picture time. But this was my first Costume party. And yes I traded Joni for some whole new friends. In all honesty she ditched me
and I found comfort in these guys. I remember we played this malteser game where you have to move them from one bowl to another by sucking them up through a straw, and I was really good at it. Then we played Mario Kart on the Wii which I wasn't so good at. I can also recall them forcing me to watch 17 again. I was not happy about that. But another good thing about this night was that it was the first time I had stayed awake until 6 in the morning with no sleep. I was also rather surprised at the fact I woke up at 8 and still had the energy to survive the rest of the following day.
Year 9- Sorry no picture this time :/ But this year I went trick or treating again, around Hellesdon, with my friends: Kia, Giancarlo, Scott, Scott, Harry Lenton and I think Siobhan, but I honestly have no idea if I am making this up. This is one of the weaker Halloween memories I hold. There was a lot of me sitting in a road, and one of the Scott's forcing everyone else to tie up his shoes. I also remember how towards the end of the night it was just me and the other Scott waiting for my mum to pick me up, and he put his arm round me to keep me warm, and I so totally did not start to have a crush on him from that point on wards. But then I think he had to leave me and I was terrified of being on my own, in a place I didn't really know, at night.
Year 10- More Trick Or Treating for me! This time with the loveable Jessie and Giancarlo. Me and Jessie went as sheet ghosts, whilst Giancarlo was... I can't remember what Giancarlo was. I remember going to various people's houses, like Jonny's and Frankie's (he tried to creep up to the door and scare us, but Jessie and me couldn't see through our sheets so it failed). I also remember going back to Giancarlo's and looking at some fish, after we couldn't figure out where the triplets lived. Turned out we were standing outside their house and Charlotte saw us. The best part by far was Jessie running down the road and throwing herself to the floor, covering herself with the sheet and pretending she was a rock, and the one time she threw the sheet over herself and missed.
Another part of this year was going to Siobhan's house with Scott, Giancarlo, Kia, and Alicia to watch films. We all danced to Rocky Horror Picture Show, and there was some kissing and mounting and weird orgasm sounds from Giancarlo. And then Giancarlo disappearing and we all went outside to look for him but it turns out he was in the bathroom.
Year 11- The first of the infamous Eddie Parties. There was drinking, smoking, and putting random stuff in blenders. It was pretty good. I can't actually recall much from this party, not because I was drunk but I swear all of the Eddie parties meld into one when you try and think about them. I can tell you that things got broken though. Also I remember George kissing me, and I think Jessie kissed me. I was a slut. Oh god I just recalled some horrific moments involving George. Ew no.

Year 12- Another Eddie Halloween Bash. I can recall a sofa snuggle, where we all kind of sat on each other. Billy and I sharing strawberry laces and taking selfies on Giancarlo's phone. There was also Paige and I trying to get Claire super drunk, lego duck building, this guy called Tieran (THAT ISN'T A NAME!) thought I was Billy, I kind of had Billy and George lying on top of me at one point and George kept moving, Billy and I talking about our favourite kind of trees and buttons, and Tieran thinking Giancarlo was Chinese. When you put it like that this party sounded great, however some shit happened which made it a very not so happy halloween for me.
Year 13- But this year shall be better as I plan to go to another Eddie Party (which is why this post has gone out so early) And you should stay tuned for the post about how epic it will be.
Enjoy your Halloween folks, but remember to stay safe, so you can have more fun!
See you in the 'morrow! or you know Sunday...