Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Reviewing the Resolutions of 2014

So it is reaching the end of the year, and I remembered that at the beginning I made a post about some resolutions of things I wanted to accomplish in 2014. Taking a look back to see the choices I made and if I have actually followed any of them. (If you want to read the full blog click here

1. Losing Weight- Now I never actually measured myself at the beginning of the year, but during I know that my weight had dropped a little, then I gained a bit, and it kind of roller coastered like that. So yes I may have actually lost a little weight, but judging by looks, I still look a way I do not really enjoy, which means I did not really stick to this resolution. The most recent time I weighed myself it said I was 1 stone. So either I made excellent progress with this resolution, or my scale was broken. 

2. Stop Procrastinating- To an extent
I did actually do this. Maybe not so much for the AS year, but around exams I did get a lot better, and I worked really hard for some of my exams, others not so much. And I did get pretty bad grades in places, which made me think a lot more about this tactic for the start of A2. It worked pretty well and I was up to date if not ahead of most things because I felt more pumped to do the work and then reward myself with games or whatever. However there was a point towards the end where I just hated 6th form and felt I wouldn't force myself to do the work and I would just do it when I wanted as to not put myself under stress. So I'm not really sure if I did this one either. 

3. Know what I want to do- I can tell you right now this is a big fat NOPE! If anything I am way more confused than I was at the beginning of the year. I feel to pressured to go to uni and that scares me and I missed the opportunity really to apply, and I thought about an apprenticeship but I am still not certain of which one I would like to take. However, I do have a job now, but it is one of those ones I do not really want for a full time career, no offence to my full time co-workers.  But anywho... I feel like a lost little kitten with nowhere to go. So I think I will just see what 2015 brings me.

4. Be more social- I actually think I achieved this one. I have a lot of memories of me hanging out with my friends and there are a lot of times where I made the effort to see them. Yeah I had my lazy days but everyone needs that. I feel like I did not spend a lot of days thinking wow I'm bored and I actually made the effort to get out of the house when I could. So I can actually tick something off my list!

What a blast from the past. I'm not very good at keeping my promises. Well I am to other people, just not ones I make to myself. Maybe 2015 can be a new adventure where I can be a better person and actually complete some of my resolutions. And what will these be? Well you can find out in another post. And then this time next year you can find out if I keep them.

See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Christmas Time, And The Rest...

Wednesday 24th: Christmas Eve! And I did pretty much nothing. I watched youtubes and TV and played Sims. Mainly because my sister was at work all day so we couldn't really do anything. But then we had our traditional chip shop chips and watched Nativity, then I went upstairs and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

Thursday 25th: Christmas Day! I was woken up early by a raging sister so went downstairs and ate some crumpets. Then I opened gifts from some of my friends (Thanks again you guys, love them :) ) Following this was gifts from parents and I love them too. Then we went to my grandparents and my cousins turned up and the little baby and it was just madness. The baby whacked me really hard in the face with a plastic teacup. And it turns out my cousin is preggers with baby number 2 which is good for her but also, why? Then we had christmas dinner when the cousins left and my nannie made me skeptical of all of her cooking. Then we chatted for a bit before heading home, and I don't remember much after that. 

Friday 26th: Boxing Day! I woke up and went to work. Super fun! I got there early so sat in the crew room watching christmassy stuff with a co-worker and then we went to work, I was on drinks all day, it wasn't that busy. Everyone was jealous that I was leaving before them though, in my defense they offered to stay longer. Then I went to my other nanny's and we chatted then had our traditional rolls, with leftovers (quorn meat for me) and also the delicious teeny cheese and onion rolls. We chatted and watched films before heading home. 

Saturday 27th: End of everything Christmassy, and I went to work and was on drinks again, this time it was pretty busy. Then for some reason I was on tills for the last couple of hours of my shift. Then I went to stalk Hal at work as well as buying a dress, a purse, and a black tee, and then we went to the bus stop and realised we just missed it, so went and got some chips from a chip shop, and then got the bus.

Sunday 28th: More work times, and I was on till all day, I had various runners, and sometimes I was on my own, and I was getting confused. When I started it was so quiet that someone was forced to go outside handing out leaflets to get customers in, then it went kind of crazy. I got to leave on time though and headed for the bus, with Hal. Then when I got home I played sims until like 2am. 

Monday 29th: I slept a lot, got up and ate, then watched tv, played more sims, and watched youtubes. Not a lot was accomplished. 

Tuesday 30th: Got up late, ate breakfast, watched tv,then got ready to go shopping with Hal. My first stop was to see my little Aims and we had a chat then I met Hal at Nandos.and we ate food, then went shopping. I got some clothes and make-up. Super girly time for me. And then we headed home, and watched Big Fat Quiz Of The Year, and then wrote out this blog and watched youtubes, and will then finish this blog and publish it and maybe die, cause I feel like shit. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Holidays A Coming!

Wednesday 17th: Early mornings and walking to school with Emma talking about ice skating. Then going to biology to find out I got a B in the test last week, and I did the best! Woop Woop! I was also the only one who had completed the homework so she called me the queen of biology. Then it was break which is same old same old, and then I went to private study where I did some psychology stuff for the theory fair, and then it was pointless conference. And how was it pointless today? We did a Christmas quiz. However I managed to do some homework during that time. Also my team won! We have no idea how we did that, Mrs K just said CGEM (our team's name (Charlotte, Gemma, Elli (me) and Maddy)) and Emily laughed at my face of shock. Then it was lunch where we chatted and wore glasses and took pictures and ate waffles. Following this was media where we did coursework, and got some chocolates. Then the late bus home with Amy talking about things and the motorbike Christmas tree lights. 

Thursday 18th: Got a lay in. Woop! So I decided to eat some crumpets and watch American Dad! Then I went into school and did a lot more theory fair prep, and then it was lunch and everyone started singing Livin' on a Prayer which was hilarious, and I don't remember much else apart from weird dancing with people. Then it was theory fair time where I thought we did pretty well but only got one vote. But it was Alli's vote. And that is all that matters. After this  I went to an hour of private study, where I did some media coursework, and then the late bus home with Aims, Harvey and Theo where we discussed more of our movie, and sang songs, and chatted whilst I tried to call my sister to ask her if she wanted a take-away. Then I got home and got annoyed by the fact I haven't been paid for two shifts at work, and then ate some take-away and took a food nap and then blogged and such. 

Friday 19th: Last day of term!!!! It was a battle deciding if I wanted to get out of bed this morning. Because I only had to be in for two hours, so it was like can I really be bothered? But then I realised I had things to do so I powered through. I walked to school with Harvey and he was walking like an idiot. Then we got there and I don't remember much before heading to Biology where I made a beautiful sand dune, and we listened to Christmas songs, then any song we fancied, also we got cups of tea and chocolate. Then when that was over it was extended break, where we were given free food, I had a veggie burger, and Giancarlo and I were outraged that there were not any Jam doughnuts. During this time I chatted and proposed to Emma with a ringed doughnut. She accepted. Then I went into the study center and opened a few presents, wore a Thomas the tank engine mask

Saturday 20th: Me and Hal traveled to work together, and I had a pretty good day, serving people, and singing She Will Be Loved over my break and on our way back we decided to do the Conga and my friend kicked the wall, sorting out my pay, and then going back home on the bus with Hal. 

Sunday 21st: Was late to work because they expected me to be in when I physically couldn't get there. But I stayed later for them so I made up for it. I was without my trainer today, so I counted up a float and then served people with the help of another co-worker. Then it was break where we were talking about safety procedures and what would happen if we all just decided to leave in the middle of our shift, and we also had a laugh at the guy who didn't know the sundae machine was broken and had a little accident. Then I was serving on my own and did a pretty good job, made a few mistakes, and my hat fell in a mop bucket, but that's expected. Well maybe not the mop bucket bit. Then I was chatting to the managers about how busy it is going to be in the next couple of days as they counted my float and then I had to literally run for the bus, as the last one home was in 5 minutes. I forgot to clock out, but I called and it was ok. Then home! 

Monday 22nd: Most of this you would know from Yesterday's post. I spent most of the day on MLP, and watching tv, and eating crumpets and discussing what the group was going to do, and then I got ready to go. Headed to the meeting place and pretty much everyone was there. Then we walked down to the bowling place, and got our lanes and I went first and got a strike! Literally did not care for the rest of the game. Even got a second one. It was a good laugh and we took a lot of selfies, and I spent time with Lish who I miss so much. Then we went in the arcade, played crazy air hockey where I thrashed Gemma and Siobhan, and then I was on Dance Mat with Amy, and then we sat around chatting before heading our separate ways. Pretty good day. 

Tuesday 23rd: It does not feel like in two days it will be Christmas. So as this was a pretty long post you may be happy to hear (well read) that today I pretty much did fuck all, so you don't have to read anymore! Yay!

See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 22 December 2014

When Plans Change...

So this week, I was planning to go ice skating with my friends as the yearly ice rink arrived in Norwich. For I have not been ice skating in years I was looking forward to this a lot, and considering I wasn't able to go last year, as I mentioned this time last year, when I found out that I could not go today I originally wasn't a happy bunny. 

Basically this morning Emma messaged the group saying the rink is probably going to be closed as the wind made it unsafe as the ice was cracking and melting and shiz. So I was like DAMMIT. But everyone was still wanting to meet up and hang out and I was like but I don't really want to spend a lot of money on something other than ice skating. But mainly they were suggesting the cinema and that was like, No. Originally there was 14 of us and I don't like that at a cinema as there is not enough interaction. And through the kerfuffle of trying to organize what to do Jessie and Eddie decided not to go. And I was like ugh. 

But then people reconsidered the idea to go bowling, so the group met up at the food court, double checked we couldn't go skating, found out Maddy and Tom couldn't join, and then headed to go bowling, and had a pretty good time. So sometimes the change in plan isn't bad, it;s just the part when you decide what to replace it with. 

I am still sad I didn't get to go ice skating, but I am going to try and go before the rink leaves. Because ice skating is fun and it brings back so many good memories. 

Sorry this is up really late but I only got back a couple of hours ago and had things to do since then. But you can still enjoy this whenever you want I guess. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Sims Getting Festive!

Hello, and today we are returning to the wonderful world of Sims 4, and since it has been so long, I had to wait like 50 years for everything to update. (Actually it was like 50 minutes) but hey ho. Let's go! 

So the lovely people over in the sim making land gave us a free pack to get us in the Christmas mood, and since Christmas is getting ever closer we have to talk about it. This is actually my first time exploring so there probably wont actually be much about it today. 

Basically, I loaded up the game and it turns out in the update I didn't actually get the festive things. :/ So I am not quite sure what to do because I thought I would be able to get it and I don't want to look and update as that took me so fucking long already. So yeah. In a bit of a pickle. 

But in all honesty guys I am very tired from work today and just cannot be bothered to do anything, and it is christmassy time so I should just be chillaxing. 

Yeah I just said chillaxing.

Forgive me for that and the fact I am not blogging properly.

See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 19 December 2014

Going On A Blog Vacation!

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. So Christmas is next week and unlike last year I will not be blogging through it. So from Wednesday to Monday I will not be posting. Yay a little blog vacation. Not that anyone cares about my blog anymore, I am getting less views per day which kind of sucks and who is really going to be all sad because I didn't blog around xmas. 

If you are that upset about it just go read all of my past blogs. 

I am thinking that after this break I may rethink my schedule and change a few things round and see if I should drop things, like if a day doesn't get that many views maybe I shouldn't do that post anymore. Also I am thinking about returning to no longer having weekends, because I work on weekends now I just get so tired. But I will figure that out in my week away. 

There isn't that much to say anymore, there is never that much to say anymore. 
So yeah, you will still get the games post on Sunday, Elli's thoughts on Monday, and then my final week review on Tuesday and then there will be no posts for like a week depending on my mood. 

See you in the 'morrow! 

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

15 Festive Favourites

Hey, so due to business there is not going to be a video again this week, but instead I shall replace it with a Festive Tag, because of the upcoming Xmas season. You know it being next week an all. Unfortunately this time I will not actually be blogging on Xmas, but I'll talk about that more in another post. Let's move on to the tag which I first saw Tom Fletcher do on the Youtubes.

1. Favourite Festive Food:
Oh tough one, it is either my nannie's homemade roast potatoes (which my mum also makes and are delicious) or it is the stuffing which I sometimes just eat on it's own because I just find it so good. 
2. Favourite Reindeer: I don't even know all of them let alone which one is my favourite. I'll say Prancer cause he sounds Fab-a-dab.
3. Favourite Festive Day: Umm, I don't know, I just like all three because they are special in different ways I guess. This yeah Christmas Eve is probably out though cause I wont do anything. And I have to work Boxing Day. Hmm...
4. Favourite Christmas Song: This is between 3 it is either...

The Pogues (and Kirsty MacColl)- Fairytale of New York. 

Geraldine Mcqueen (Peter Kay) - Once Upon a Christmas Song

or The Darkness - Christmas Time (Don't let the bells end). 

5. Favourite Christmas Present: Hmm, I have had a lot of good presents. But I guess my phone, because a very special thing happened with my phone. Oh God that sounds weird. 
6. Favourite Festive Film: Does Nightmare Before Xmas count? Because it should. Does Love Actually count? Because it should, if not Xmas with the Kranks. So good. 
7. Favourite Christmas Cracker Toy: Those puzzle things where you have the chains or twisty thing and you have to untangle it. 
8. Favourite Christmas Cracker Joke: What do Reindeer hang on their Christmas tree?... Horn-aments! 

9. Favourite Christmas Decoration: Hmm... well in my house it has to be dead Santa. (Basically it is just a human sized crystal skull that one year I put a Christmas hat on (the ones with the attached beards) and it fitted perfectly and just stayed like that). 
10. Favourite Christmas Candle Scent: I have no idea, don't have any, but I'll guess something gingerbreaddy.
11. Favourite Christmas TV Advert: It has to be a John Lewis. However the Debenhams ones from last year, when we were looking at it in media was rather funny.
12. Favourite Festive Tradition: We don't really have traditions. 
13. Favourite Place to Spend Christmas: Just with the people I love the most, so where ever that is, that is. 
14. Favourite Christmas Fact: I don't know any facts and am too lazy to look for one or make one up. 
15. Favourite Snowman Accessory: Got to be a hat. Can't beat a good ol' hat. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Too Many Different Things To Make A Good Title

Wednesday 10th: Walked to school and then revised for my biology test. Starting to sound like last week. Then I went for my biology test, and it was...ok... Then we started genetics which is pretty easy. Considering what we did in the lesson, we did last year. And as a fun little bonus it is what I need to know for my exam retake. Then it was break which is never remembered, then it was private study and "conference" where I did some biology work, and then we sat in the common room talking about random things.  Then it was lunch which I do not remember at all. Then I had Media and we did some coursework, as per usual. Then the bus home. And then the dentist, which wasn't so bad. 

Thursday 11th: Went to school for psychology where we watched a video about aggressive whales which was rather adorable and fascinating. Then I had private study where I did things and then it was lunch where I took pictures of people and we had a paper plane battle, and I taught people how to make origami butterflies.Then I went to private study with Amy and Kez while I waited for a bus, and there was a little dance for Kez getting offers for uni's and Amy and I discussing unis and jobs and things. Then I went home. 

Friday 12th: First I got in school on Christmas jumper day and was kind of pissed off that I was the only one wearing a Christmas jumper, but then people in jumpers turned up and I felt better. So I went to private study with Kez and Siobhan and I did some media coursework which was due in on this day, and then when I finished I did some psychology homework and was discussing Disney films whilst having a hat made for me from a jumper. Then when I was finished I joined Harvey and Jessie in the common room where we were playing two player flappy bird and this weird my little pony thing.Then we put on some glasses was given some play-doh and we made things and then tried tickling Jessie's ear with it. Then it was biology where we did our presentations and then watched some things about the Galapagos.  

Saturday 13th: Got up early for work, and was like the only one on the bus for like half the journey. Then at work I was on tills and a woman shouted at me and kind of accused me of being racist even though I didn't do anything. I even stayed behind later at work because they were impressed with how well I was doing, and Megan and I won the till challenge twice (basically whoever can get the most money in a certain amount of time) I'm really enjoying work. 

Sunday 14th: I turned up a little late for work today, and found out that the other trainee did not pass probation. Oh well. Today I was working towards getting my first star by completing this workbook in the office, and it was pretty boring, and then I had a break, and finally I did work. Wasn't that much of an interesting day aside from my fun chats with fry guy, like how he would start a fight with me because he had a problem with me taking his fries, and then how I was actually the only one who was nice to him. Then I waited for a bus with Aims at her place of work and we talked about Uni's and secret Santa and things. 

Monday 15th: Went to school late because I was so tired. And it started with media where we were doing yet more coursework, and then it was break which who even cares anymore, and then it was psychology where we watched something about when aggression starts in humans. And then it was lunch where I went home and ate food, took a food nap and sorted out my sister's room for her return home from Derby. Then something kind of bad happened. 

Tuesday 16th: I got a lay in so finished Hal's room, ate a teacake and watched tv. Then the bus was late and I got on it chatting to Emily about secret Santa, which was awkward because my gift was for her. But when we got to school I went to private study and did some biology homework, and then started on this psychology project we have to do. Then it was lunch where secret santa festivities began, and everyone opened their gifts and tried to guess who got who what. It was adorable and fun and everyone seemed happy. I got a giant adventure pencil with rubbers. It was cute. And I got to tell Emily that I had hers. Then it was psychology where we did more of our projects, bitched about teachers, and gossiped a lot. It was rather funny. One of my favourite psychology lessons so far. Then it was the late bus home where we were playing music. And then Hal was here so we had a catch up and I got to play MLP again!!

See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 15 December 2014

No Thoughts

Hey, so not that anyone really cares, because no-one even reads this. But I don't really have any thoughts right now, apart from ones that are kind of depressive and that wouldn't be very interesting. Also I am just ugh and tired right now to think of something to put. So yeah, I'll just see you in the 'morrow!

Sunday, 14 December 2014


Pwong. Sounds more like a sound effect than a game.

I have been working all weekend so am really tired and not wanting to do this post, but I shall write a short little thing

So pwong is essentially a crazier version of the old game Pong which is essentially a computerized version of table tennis. And it is pretty fun, the instructions are written here so I don't have to write them out, yay!, and you can also get different things that can help you out such as Slow Motion, Sticky Paddle, Large Paddle, and Action Shoot? I think that's what the last one is, who knows, which can help you get more points  and shiz. 

So I kind of like this gamebecause it is way more interesting that pong because it just gets super crazy, and there is even a level called insane, which is as the title says.
 But the problem is, when you play insane you can die too quickly, but when you play normally it can take forever for you to die and I feel trapped, and I hate feeling trapped in a game. I also like the pretty colours. But that's all I can say right now, sorry. 

Seyou in th'morrow! 

Friday, 12 December 2014

Fun Tweets of Younger Me

Hello, so it is about time we brought back the fun tweets of younger me. So let's get crackin'.

Basically most of my tweets are me having conversations with Amy, This first one is my response to Amy's tweet about giving up on her revision, however this is my attitude towards revision now. 
I actually remember this, I got all excited that Disney Movie channel were showing all three Lion Kings and I recorded them and watched one a day. 
Then Amy responded talking about how good the film is and we got into a conversation about how my sister didn't want to watch, and then this other show, and I respond to her awkwardness of sending a tweet to herself that was meant for me. So I might just skip those tweets. 

I literally just talk to Amy, here we are just talking about exams. However art exams are 10 hours so I am not quite sure what I am talking about. 

Amy was trying to get Wagner from X Factor (was it X Factor?? I don't know) to follow her on twitter so I was giving her some words of encouragement, in a way. 

Little bit of my old youtube channel promotion, I begin to share like all of the videos for like months some point after this so I will skip all of those and just include other tweets. 

Ah Eleanor was talking about how she thought she failed the history exam, and I thought I did also. Taking into account that this was GCSE, so long ago, oh my god. 

Amy finally got Wagner to follow her. 

Eleanor said in response I was clever and this is mine, little did I know how well I actually did with my GCSE's.

Yeah Art Homework was so much fun, took me hours to complete. was horrible. 

Do not remember this day, but if it involved lemons and faces it must have been pretty good. 
I don't know how I win for doing worse than someone who wasn't even there most of the time, but I still think it was a good score. 

My response to Amy's tweet about Horrible Histories. I swear I just use twitter to talk to Amy.

Amy tweeted me about my test saying it was unfair and how I should say how I didn't have enough time to revise, this was my response. 
My mum wrote a poem I was going to use in my art exam, I ended up hating what I made and never used it so I feel bad, but it was still a good poem about lions. 
 I would have rather been in my exam than Physics, it was so boring, and I finished early. 
I have a weird concept of what completes my life. 

Basically what the tweet says. I remember that snail drawing, it was beautiful, i wish I still had it, but I think there is a video of it somewhere. 

Well I guess this is enough for now. Mainly because I needs sleeps for works in the morning.

See you in the 'morrow! 
Well Sunday...And I wont even see you, I will just see a computer screen/ Why do I use this to end my post? Unless I am talking to the computer screen? Dun Dun Dun. 

Thursday, 11 December 2014

ARGH! Re"love"ution?


 Hey guys, and before someone thinks it, despite the title and opening line NO I haven't turned into Chewbacca. (Sidenote, Star Wars Episode VII, OMHFG!)

No, basically I hate EE. They have tried to offer me a new deal, which I recieved which wasn't even the same deal they offered and then they tried to charge me £56 for NO REASON and now they've deactivated my sim and they are being total dicks. So I've had no phone for the last two or three days.


And tbh I'm not in the mood to do a massive blog for you lot, and I'm really sorry, however next week I vow to bring a tag or something equally or more eventful and interesting for you! 

But in the meantime, if you need something to watch, I have to admit that Russell Brand has taken me in and I am really behind everything he stands for. Although it seems unlikely, he really is one of the people, and if you want to get the real understanding about what he is doing, then please watch some of his content, because he really has his head screwed on, and he isn't the same celebrity who we used to know him as. He has reinvented himself and is standing up for the people. So you really ought to give it a view, if there is one thing you do before Christmas or before the new year then It's watch some of his videos, and I really cannot stress it anymore.

S'ya later!
See you in the 'morrow! 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Furry Friend Tag

Hey, so no video, because I just haven't had time, so I am replacing it with a tag. This is the Furry Friend Tag which is basically all about the pet/s you have, but obviously if you don't have a pet you cannot really do this.

1. What is your pets name? Sebastian, we did not give him this name.
2. What kind of pet is it and what breed? He is a Siamese rag doll and is super cutes.
3. How long have you had your pet friend? 4 years? I think.
4. How did you get your pet? He lived in Ipswich and his family couldn't look after him and his brother anymore, so my mum's friend (who also lives in Ipswich) found out and took in the brother, and told us and we took in Seb. 
5. How old is your pet? 6 still a baby in my mind though.
6. What are some quirky things about your pets personality? He will walk into the room as I sit on the sofa and stop in a certain place, until I look at him and then he continues to come in.
7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? So much. I love cats, and have had them my whole life. He is so cuddley and warm, and even though he can be a pain in the arse, he does care and is adorable and I love him.
8. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? What kind of question is this? I just like watching tv with him and he lies next to me keeping me warm.
9. What are nicknames that you call your pet? Seb, Sebbles, Bubba, little baby.

Well I guess that was it. Hope you enjoyed.

See you in the 'morrow!