1. Losing Weight- Now I never actually measured myself at the beginning of the year, but during I know that my weight had dropped a little, then I gained a bit, and it kind of roller coastered like that. So yes I may have actually lost a little weight, but judging by looks, I still look a way I do not really enjoy, which means I did not really stick to this resolution. The most recent time I weighed myself it said I was 1 stone. So either I made excellent progress with this resolution, or my scale was broken.
2. Stop Procrastinating- To an extent I did actually do this. Maybe not so much for the AS year, but around exams I did get a lot better, and I worked really hard for some of my exams, others not so much. And I did get pretty bad grades in places, which made me think a lot more about this tactic for the start of A2. It worked pretty well and I was up to date if not ahead of most things because I felt more pumped to do the work and then reward myself with games or whatever. However there was a point towards the end where I just hated 6th form and felt I wouldn't force myself to do the work and I would just do it when I wanted as to not put myself under stress. So I'm not really sure if I did this one either.
3. Know what I want to do- I can tell you right now this is a big fat NOPE! If anything I am way more confused than I was at the beginning of the year. I feel to pressured to go to uni and that scares me and I missed the opportunity really to apply, and I thought about an apprenticeship but I am still not certain of which one I would like to take. However, I do have a job now, but it is one of those ones I do not really want for a full time career, no offence to my full time co-workers. But anywho... I feel like a lost little kitten with nowhere to go. So I think I will just see what 2015 brings me.
4. Be more social- I actually think I achieved this one. I have a lot of memories of me hanging out with my friends and there are a lot of times where I made the effort to see them. Yeah I had my lazy days but everyone needs that. I feel like I did not spend a lot of days thinking wow I'm bored and I actually made the effort to get out of the house when I could. So I can actually tick something off my list!
What a blast from the past. I'm not very good at keeping my promises. Well I am to other people, just not ones I make to myself. Maybe 2015 can be a new adventure where I can be a better person and actually complete some of my resolutions. And what will these be? Well you can find out in another post. And then this time next year you can find out if I keep them.
See you in the 'morrow!