Wednesday 29 April 2015

You Really Need To Know This.

Wednesday 22nd: So today I had a small lay in and then got ready for my interview, which was mainly asking mum's opinion on everything. Then I left on the multiple bus journeys to get to the interview place. I got there early and I think it went ok. That is all I am going to say. So it finished in time for me to head back to school. The plan was to go to pointless conference, even though I was like 10 minutes late but then I ran into Harvey who said what the conference was about and I had already seen the presentation, and he said Jass was in the common room so I joined those guys in their. We drank chocolate milk talked and left a note saying "I owe you one sexual favour" in the vending machine. This lead through to lunch where more people joined and we chatted about weird things. Following this was a single lesson of Media where we talked about documentaries and watched some clips of things. Then I talked through my essay with the teacher. At home I watched Tv, ate food, played sims, and wrote this out. I'll probably watch some youtube write out my actual blog post for today and then sleep. 
Thursday 23rd: So I woke up a little late, but not late enough for me to be late for school. I walked in and went to psychology and then made hot chocolates as it was that day. Just classic revision things and they made me laugh while drinking and I spilled my hot chocolate all over the table :/ Then it was break and everyone had biscuits and tea and coffee and this led through to private study where I did some revision whilst watching videos taking pictures and making weird drink concoctions. I stayed for a little of lunch chatting to people but then I went to get the bus home and pretty much repeated the home portion of yesterday. 
Friday 24th: I don't remember anything from when I woke up to Media studies which was like halfway through the day. Then media was just working though exam stuff and coursework. Lunch was spent chatting about how Jess had abandoned us for the youngens and things I don't remember. Then it was biology and we were just doing revision and I made a beautiful coloured mind map. After this I saw Emma and Maddy in the common room and was talking to them about psychology before Em and I left to get the bus home where we discussed an array of things. At home was at homey things. 
Saturday 25th: I had work today, Pretty typical. Started to feel ill towards the end of my shift and they let me go a little early. Went to visit Amy for a little chat and she got me a drink which made me feel better. Got the family some chip shop chips on the way home, and then chilled at home. 
Sunday 26th: Basically did nothing.
Monday 27th: Woke up for school. Had media first and we were doing more coursework/exam things. Break wasn't really memorable. What a surprise. Then I had double psychology where we were doing revision and began to make a colourful mind map. Twas beautiful. There was also multiple conversations about hotness and things I didn't really care for. I then stayed for a little bit of lunch before going home to play sims and do a little bit of work. 
Tuesday 28th: I got to have a little lay in today. Woop. Woop. First off I had private study where I was working on my media coursework as I wanted to get that done and I also tried to catch up on some biology work and cram in a little revision as I had a psychology mock. I started feeling a little ill at this point but I just ignored it and printed off like every past paper question for the units of psychology I am doing. Then I joined the lunch people and we pretty much just sang ABBA songs. It was then time for the mock and I was feeling light headed and got these weird cramp pains (I'm not on my period just so you know) but I just thought there was two hours left and I had to do this mock. So I started and was actually able to answer the questions. In my mind. The problem was the pains and the dizziness prevented me from putting most of it down on paper. It got to about an hour in and I just walked out with the feeling of being sick. I thought I'd be able to walk back in once I realised I wasn't going to be sick in the first instance, but every time I tried to leave my toilet cubicle I just felt like throwing up again (you really needed to know all this) so I was sat there for like half an hour debating with myself about what I was feeling when the teacher found me and just allowed me to sit in the study center and catch up with the mock when I felt better. So I talked to Ali and Emma before going on the late bus and then chilling at home. 

Another sorry for messing up the blog system yesterday, but I was not in the right state of mind to finish this post. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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