Thursday 23 April 2015

Going On A Trip To Banterbury!

Sup!Hey there, and today will be another short post... Look I know, I know, I keep saying that, but I'm having a tough time writing these because my creativity is at an all time low, unless we're talking footy with the lads, because I'm on form right now, but anyway, I'm trying to get content out for you, but my head is in "REVISE YOU PRICK" mode, and that means that the quality of blog post will be poorer, but after my last exam, it'll pick up again because I'll have more free time to go out and seek things, so bear with me for now!

Anyway, Banterbury! So I went to London (Kinda near Banterbury I think) on Monday for a psychology conference with the authors, and it was shite. We arrived 40 minutes late and missed one of only 3 lectures I was attending, and in the lectures I was in I was told things I already knew. 


Aside from the bullshit waste of time the conference was, it was nice to be back in London. I'm yet to really make up my mind full about it, but it's kinda like my hometown in a strange way. I just have an affinity to it. It was nice to be able to walk down Oxford Street in the beating sun, and waltz around in Holborn. Until I found out that a building I had walked past actually collapsed like 40 or so minutes after I walked past it which was scary, and lest I forget the two cars which nearly ran me over, or indeed the man walking behind me who nearly threw up on my shoes.

Despite this, it was a surprisingly nice day in places. Even though from a social side of things it sucked because I knew no one, the day was slightly enjoyable. The moment that made it so for me was when I sat down to eat my lunch outside in the sun and I watched people walk past. There was something surreal and nice about it. I felt content.

Though I didn't revise that day and that really angered me, because the 6 hours I spent travelling I coulda revised in. But I have most of the day tomorrow and the weekend for that now so I guess it all works out in the end!

Anyway, that's enough from me for now, hope you lot have a good week and I'll be back next week! 

Auf Weidersehen you pricks!
See you in the 'morrow!

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