Monday 27 April 2015

Sharing is Caring: Anger Issues.

I believe it is time for another heart to heart about something that effects me on a weekly basis. My anger issues. Basically, I just have these moments of random anger, and when it hits I'm gone. Pretty sure I have told you about this before. But anyway... I believe I have gotten this from my dad, as he is one of these hot headed people, but I just hate it. I know being angry is a natural emotion, and expression is sort of healthy, but I just wish I could have more control over it, because I just downwards spiral until I do something stupid. Unfortunately the person I talk to most gets the worst of it.  It has led to some pretty bad moments, which I truly regret. So mainly I am trying to tone my anger down.But I would like to sort out the issue I have to avoid any possible situation. 

So yeah, sorry this was kind of a short post, but I have been busy with work and I am getting tired so I thought I would just briefly talk about something I felt I needed to say. Hopefully it hasn't put you on a downer or anything. Just remember when you get mad just step back and take however long you need. Avoid confrontation. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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