Wednesday 22 April 2015

Sims 4: Get To Work.

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. So let's hope I don't fall asleep this time! I have two games I could talk about today but one I haven't played so much so I might wait it out. Today's game is...Sims 4:Get to Work, as I received the expansion pack from my amazing husband. My dad also bought me a copy we have a solution for that. 

On my birthday as soon as I got home I installed the game, and then immediately played. I decided that I was going to make an Alien character who was going to own a bakery just so I could experience different things. And it was going well making the cute little alien, turns out she can wear custom content clothes, but only if they are full body, which I am ok with. I put her in a cute blue dress. Then I headed into game and went straight to buy a retail store. Where I encountered some problems when building. First when I tried to drop a styled room in it just disappeared, and then when it finally worked I went to put a roof on my creation and that disappeared too! Then the game crashed. 

Origin updated and then I tried again, when I noticed some more bugs. Such as the retail information wasn't in English but just random symbols, so I had to guess what meant to open and close the store and to transfer money, and hire employees. So I am not too happy with the Retail bit right now. 

After playing some more I decided to try out a different career, and went for scientist as I knew it would be one I wouldn't play much so I thought I'd get it out of the way. It was actually pretty fun however when you click on the timer to either stay late or go home early, these options where just blank. So I had the lucky dip of which one I would get. It was not the one I wanted. But that was the only issue I came across with that. 

So far I am not completely impressed as my game seems to be having some issues with the new pack, but hopefully after some updates it can fix itself and I can enjoy a happy care free gameplay. 

That's it on get to work so I just thought I would amuse you with some more Sims getting inside of other Sims action that I have witnessed in my game (this is one glitch I want to keep, it's so funny) My favourite is the pair that wish to go to the toilet together. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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