Friday 10 April 2015

I'm An Idiot.

Technically today is the last day of Half Term (I don't count weekends as you'd get them off anyway) and I am going to be brutally honest. I have done fuck all school wise. Which is really bad. I know I should have forced myself to do something but the thing is I'm just not motivated. And when I am not motivated to revise there is no point in revising because nothing will happen. So I chill out in the hope I will find motivation and it never happened. 

Also there were times when I couldn't, like when I saw Hal, and the days when I was at work. You could argue that I shouldn't have worked so much. But I am focusing on the pay check. I have earned like £180 which is a lot to me. I don't particularly want to go to uni so I feel money is more important than grades at the minute. Especially since I am thinking about moving out towards the end of this year. So it might be a stupid choice because I am going to get stressed about it later, but currently I would rather earn that and fail than not earn it and probably fail anyway. Because knowing me I would have just spent the non-working days not revising anyway. 

Future me is really going to hate me for it, but I guess that is future me's problem. And Future me will decide to get one's ass in gear and not waste a moment just lying in bed doing nothing. I will get my books and revise like my life depends on it. That's how I work best I think anyway. When I am under pressure. Great now I have that song in my head. I guess I have the problem of having more exams than I did last year though. But last year I did the crazy plan of action like a week before exams instead of a month. All of you should pressure me to revise. Give me motivation because I cannot find it. 

So yeah this gist of this is, is that I am a massive idiot. But let's pray that things can go in my favour *fingers crossed*.

See you in the 'morrow!

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